Chapter 22

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I wake up the next morning with a smile on my face, knowing that this was the day for Mine and Dylan's date!

I jumped out of bed and quickly hopped into the shower. When getting out, I quickly dried my hair and put it into a braid.

I went to my closet, picking out my clothes for the day. I didn't really feel like dressing up for the day, so I pulled on my favourite pair of Jean shorts and my Cookie Monster t-shirt.

Once I was done getting dressed I went to get my phone and then realized Dylan had texted me.

D: Becca, I already know your face because it's the definition of gorgeous in the dictionary ;)

B: that was so lame lol but thank you

D: #pickuplines

I grab my keys and head out the door to go to school. On my way I couldn't but help think of what Dylan had planned for tonight.

When I got to school Sophia came running up to me.

"Becca guess what I have?!" She say excitedly


"A letter from Dylan," she hands me a green envelope and I open it.

Dear Becca,
So your probably curious if where we are going? But the real question is how long are we going for?
Love Dylan <33

"What?" I say and Sophia just giggles.

"I know where your going! And I know what your doing! And I know everything!!!" She yells, a bit too excited.

"Ok....then tell me!" I pretty much demand out of her, because I hate not knowing. Nothing more freaks me out, than not knowing what is happening.

"Nope!" She again yells and I just pout. "Awe come on! Don't pout! Turn that frown, upside down! I'm not ruining this surprise!"

Ok someone needs to bring it down a level and not be so hyper! When Sophia is hyper its freaky! I remember back to when we were 14 and her, me and another friend would eat as many skittles as we could! And the effect of that is that we are so hyped up, and Sophia would be the craziest. But it was all fun and games...until someone got hurt. I mentally laugh to myself.

"What's so funny?" Sophia asks me and I look at her confused. Oops I guess I actually laughed out loud!

"You! It's so funny when your hyper!"

Then the bell rang and we both run to our first periods. Mine was science, with Miss Vanderbryse.

"Has anyone heard from Dylan Matthews at all? He hasn't been in any of my classes for the past two days?" The teacher asks and I just snicker.

"Um well...he's kinda sick." Drew, Dylan's best friend, covers for him.

"Well alright then. But can you make sure he gets his work this weekend and he can catch up then."

"I don't think he's gonna get much done this weekend Miss Vanderbryse..." Drew smiles and looks towards me and I try not to laugh.


When lunch came around I got another letter from Dylan.

Dear Becca,
I'm coming to pick you up after school! better be there on time! I might just leave without you ;)
Love Dylan!¡

Ok...but again I still have the questions...where are we going? For how long? What are we doing?

I look up to my tae of friends and they are all smiling and laughing at me. It's like they know something I don't...oh wait...they do! They know exactly what Dylan is planning and I don't.

The bell rang for the last part of the day. Why can't this day go any faster!!!


So here I am, sitting on the bench outside the school, waiting for Dylan. He was suppose to pick me up 10 minutes ago. He was the one telling me not be late and of course, he's late.

About five minutes later, a limo, yes I'm talking about an actual limo, came up to the school's front entrance. And who else but Dylan walks out of the limo.

"Hello I'm here for a...Becca Robertson?" He says casually and I run up to him a give him a huge hug!

"Dylan!!!" I scream looking at the limo. And it's then I realize this is no little date night we are having. We are having a DATE NIGHT.

"Nothing but the best for my girl," he says, melting my heart. "Do you like my outfit?"

I looked at Dylan. He was wearing a sharp black suit, a white button down shirt, and a purple bow tie.

"Oh Ya I especially like how the tie matches your eyes," I say giggling.

"Oh Ya? Just you wait. The date is only beginning!" Dylan opens the door to the limo and we both step inside. I still can't believe he did this for me!

"To my darling lady's house!" He points to the driver and I laugh at his emphasis on the 'darling'.

"Dylan your all dressed up and well," I look down at my school clothes, "well I'm not."

"And that is why we are heading to your house. I have something picked out for you, for our dinner tonight!"

Aw, how many boyfriends pick out their clothes for the girlfriend, and then takes them in a limo to dinner? That's sweet!

"So where are we going?"

"Like I said before, the real question isn't where we are going but for how long?" Dylan explains while sending me a quick wink in my direction.

"Ok so where are we going AND whoa long are we staying?" I ask getting a little impatient, seeing as I've waited so long to hear the answer.

"Niagara Falls for the entire weekend!!!"

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