Chapter 24

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Becca's POV

We had just walked out of the restaurant, smiles on both our faces.

"Thank you, that was amazing!" I say, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"No thank you, for being the best girlfriend ever!" Wow, never thought of myself as that. But you know I can't argue with you their! "And thank you firing along with that, I wasn't too sure if you'd actually sing with me, I know you shy about singing in front of other people."

"I don't even know what I was thinking," I exclaim, "but I'm so happy I did it! It was awesome!"

Before we could leave a girl started to run up to us. "Wait! I have something for you two!"

We stopped in our tracks and turned around. This girl had long black hair, and green eyes that were gorgeous! She looked like she was around fifteen.

"I took a Polaroid picture of you guys when you were on stage, and I wanted to give it to you. That was literally the best thing ever! I was here with my boyfriend and when you two were done I looked at him and was like 'your next'. He looked terrified because he didn't sing. But like honestly you guys are #relationship-goals!"

Wow, to be young like that again I thought to myself, mentally laughing at myself. I thank her and so does Dylan and accept the picture from her.

That was actually so sweet of her! I look down at the picture and smile. It was right before we kissed, and we were both staring Ito each other's eyes. Awe!

"Awe look how cute you are!" I joke with Dylan, pinching his cheeks.

"Awe look how short you are compared to me!" He jokes and I mumble a 'shut up' to him, laughing.

We head back to the hotel, this time walking because it was such a beautiful night.

Dylan takes my hand in his and we sway it gently back and forth. This was honestly the best. I'm so lucky to have Dylan.

We got back to the hotel and Dylan told me to change into something less formal. So I picked my dark blue skinny jeans, and my nice and thin long sleeved shirt. It was the perfect shade of dark purple.

I came out of the bathroom but not before touching up my make up and making sure my hair still liked nice.

I knew that either way Dylan would say I looked nice but to me there was a difference. I still had a lot of trouble with my self esteem.

"You look beautiful, as always." Dylan says with one of his famous smiles, and then kisses me on the cheek. What did I say before? I knew he would say that!

We head out of the room, down the hallway, and we pressed the button to the elevator.

"Oh! I have something for us to try in the elevator!" Dylan says excitingly, getting me very curious of what was to happen next.

Finally the elevator door opened and thankfully no one was in there. It was just so awkward when there were.

"Ok so you press the buttons, and when the door shut we are gonna put our arms out. I bet it's gonna feel really weird!" Dylan explains and I laugh at his enthusiasm.

Right when the door shut we both looked at each other one last time before shutting our eyes. I hated elevators and the feelings of them so this wasn't gonna be any better.

And there it was, that awful gut feeling you get. But this time, because we had our arms out, it was five times worse!

When we reach the lobby and got out of the elevator, Dylan was laughing at my face. I guess I still had the look of horror or something like that from the elevator ride.

We hop into the vehicle and I ask Dylan where we are going, because I never actually asked.

"Not telling!" Dylan says in a sing-song-y voice. Of course. I don't even know why I thought he was gonna tell me.

About twenty minutes later we pulled up to a small building. I looked around and finally saw where we were going!

"We're going bowling?!" I ask excitingly! This was awesome! I love bowling, especially with Dylan, although I am seriously terrible at it!

"Yes we are babe!!" Dylan says winking at me. Is it weird that I love when he calls me 'babe'. I don't know why but it's so cute. I slightly blush at his 'name' go me and giggle.

Once we have headed inside and have paid for everything we go to the place to get our shoes.

"Hey Becca? I'm going to the bathroom first. Can you get me a pair, size 10." Dylan asks me and I nod my head, walking over to the shoes.

"Hey what size can I get for the pretty lady?" A man in I assume his 20's ask me.

"Um...size seven and size ten please." I say quietly. I hated talking to people I don't know, and especially guys who were obviously taking a liking in me. I find that gross, like honestly I just met you!

"Alright here Ya go," The man says handing me the shoes, "what's your name?"


"Such a beautiful name, for such a beautiful girl." Seriously? Come on. Dylan is gonna come back, I better get going before he beats the shot out of this guy for hitting on me.

"Ya that ma for the shoes I gotta go." I say quickly and start to turn away.

"Wait! Can I get you number?" He says a bit too loudly for my liking, especially because there were a few eyes moving toward my scene.

"Um no, I have a boyfriend."

"Ditch him. I'm better than him! Come on! Even if it is a one night stand, I bet he won't mind!"

All of a sudden I feel arms wrap around my waist and I almost shriek, but then I smelt around me a familiar sent.

"Actually I would mind. So if you just do your job and get back to giving shoes away, me and my girlfriend can have a fun night bowling. Thanks." Dylan says and I looked up and say his jaw clench.

He lets go of his hands around my waist and takes my hand instead. We go over to our lane, thankfully really far away from the creepy man.

When we got to the lane and picked our bowling balls I could hear Dylan mumble things under his breath like asshole and douchbag
I go over to Dylan and stop him. He looked up at me, confused.

"Don't let him bother you. It's just a stupid guy who wants nothing more than to get in my pants! Please don't let him ruin our night." I plead, I really didn't want anything to ruin this trip.

"Sorry babe. It's just I get so mad because I have you and I don't want them to steal you away," he says pouring and I almost laugh but I knew that he was serious, "But seriously Becca, you need to stop being so gorgeous maybe then they won't take you away." Dylan says winning and I laughed out loud.

"Come on let's go! I bet I could beat you this time." I say, challenging him.

"No way!" Dylan says stickier out his tongue.

By the end of the game, I was about 70 points below him. Yes I know I suck at bowling. No I do not care, I will still play.

"Ha! I told you I could beat you again!" Dylan says laughing in my face.

"Shut up." I mumble, shoving him.

"Awe come on! I know you love me!" He says half jokingly. "Hey maybe one time I'll let you win!"

I just rolled my eyes at him and he took my hand in his. We headed out to the vehicle.

"I have one more place I want to take you tonight!"


"If I told you it wouldn't be any fun!"

Boy, did Dylan have an adventure planned out for our weekend. One step at a time I guess.

But I still want to know where we are going.

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