Chapter 4

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I wake up the next morning to a knock on my door. "Come in" I say and my younger brother comes in.

"Dad says it's time to get up" I groan as he walks out the door. I get up and take a shower to wake me up. I hop in and feel the hot water burning against my skin. The feeling of the hot water against my new scars hurt. Like really hurt. My wrist were very sensitive today.

I hop out of the shower and get dressed for the day. I quickly hurry out the door before my dad can question me about eating breakfast. I start the car and drive to school.

I love when I was in the car by myself. I could just think with no interruptions or I could just sing my heart out.


It was third period, right before lunch, and I had science. We have to work on our project especially when Dylan and I didn't yesterday. I get to class just before the second bell rings. I sit down in my seat and Dylan sits besides me like he did yesterday. We decided to work in here today because we may need supplies that we need to ask for from the teacher.

"Ok everyone settle down," mrs Vanderbryse yells at us, "ok now we are gonna get straight to our projects but while we are doing that I am gonna be calling you up to get your tests back."

We all get started on our projects as the teacher starts calling up people one by one to give them their tests back. I think I did pretty well on this test I think I got around a 70/75%.

The teacher calls up Dylan and then she calls my name right after that. I go up to get my test and reach out my arm to grab it. But when I do my sleeve rides up a little and I quickly pull it back down.

I hope no one saw that. I look around and I don't think anyone did. Dylan was still up here looking at his test and I look at mine too.

Omg I got a 83%!! That's one of the highest test marks I've gotten this school year!

I sit back down with Dylan and we do our project actually working really well. The rest of the class flies by and before we know it the bell for lunch goes.

I hurry out the door to find my friends. I find them at Sophia's locker. "Hey guys if u don't mind I gotta work on some homework in the library. I'll catch up with you guys later," I tell them they nod and tell me not to be to long.

I hurry off to put my science stuff away and grab my laptop. I go to the library. There were two reasons why I was in here. One of them is so my friends don't ask me why I'm not eating. And the second reason why is I need to work on something.

It's not homework like I said it was. It was actually of my blog I have. It's filled with quotes and blog entries on how I'm feeling. No one knows about this blog not even my best friends and I plan to keep it that way.

I work on a poem I wrote...

Scarred wrists and broken eyes
Empty stomach and bruised thighs

No one notices all her lies

Silver blades with blood bright red

To kill the demons in her head

Who will stay until she's dead

Empty bottles and rope all tied

She's already said her goodbyes

No one knows she's already died

A written letter in her hands

Flutters down to where it lands

Swaying slowly like the shifting sand

Everyone was shocked when the news was sent

She was always there with a hand to lend

Seemed happ buntik she met her end


I was just finishing up when I felt someone was staring at me. I turn around and I see Dylan. I quickly shut the tab.

"Whatcha doin'" he asks me casually.

"Nothing I was just working on homework," I lied.

"Oh sounds really fun," he says very sarcastically and sits down besides me. Why is he even talking to me anyways?

He looks straight into my eyes and I want to look away but for some odd reason I didn't. He opens his mouth to say something when Drew comes over,

"Hey man! I thought I told you you and me were gonna go out for lunch today?" He says quite loudly and the librarian gives him the death glare.

"Oh ya sry I forgot," Dylan says. It's only then that Drew sees that he interrupted mine and Dylan's conversation.

"Oh sorry man I didn't mean to interrupted..." He apologizes. I actually didn't even mind I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone.

"Well I gotta go sorry Becca I'll talk to you later" Dylan's gives me a smile and turns to leave.


It was now gym class,last period of the day, and we are playing basketball. I hate basketball. Most sports I can actually do well but this one I can't like at all play this dumb sport.

We all do our warm ups and get started on our mini games. I am in a game with the most two annoying boys in school, Rewdy and Noah. But thankfully I had Skylar. We also had one of the shy and smart boys, Luke.

We all started the game and we were about 10 minutes into it when Luke tripped and fell straight on his face!

"JESUS CHRIST!" Rewdy exclaimed!

"OH. MY. GAWD!" Noah yelled.

Ok I know all this wasn't funny because Luke just kinda fell on the ground but when Rewdy and Noah yelled that it was just hilarious! How they said it I can't even! Luke gets up and puts his thumbs up so we know he is ok and it is at that moment we all burst out laughing. What Rewdy and Noah don't know is that Skylar and I are laughing at them not Luke!

What a great ending to the end of the day! Highlight of my day! Skylar and I have to tell Sophia about this after school.

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