Chapter 6

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So in the past week I have keep getting weird, sweet, encouraging notes in my locker. In the past week I have gotten these notes...

'You were given this life because you are wrong enough to handle it'
'A smile is the best make-up a girl could wear'
'Just because you have flaws, does not mean you are not beautiful'
'Stay strong beautiful'
'Believe in yourself and don't care about the haters'
'Don't let your struggle become your identity'
'You are a survivor and that is amazing'

And my favourite one...'one day somebody is gonna hug you so tight that all your broken pieces will stick back together'

But then I get these ones that have to do with self harm like the one I got yesterday at the begging of the day that says, 'I think your still beautiful' and then it had a picture of lines that looked like scars.

And then there was this other one that I like but it was really different from the other ones. 'Having a rough day? Place your hand over your heart. Feel that? That's called purpose. You are living for a reason! Don't give up!!!'

That one was today's note. Who was this mystery person? It's not Sophia or Skylar because they are confused as much as I am.

But I gotta say they have been the only thing that has been getting me through this week.

Skylar and Sophia come up to my locker and ask what today's note was and I handed the sticky note over.

"Hey that's actually really cute. I wish I came up with that!" Skylar says to me then hands the green note over to Sophia.

"Awe!!! That's pretty awesome. I wish Ryan did that for me!" Sophia exclaims giving me the note back.

"Hey I don't even know if it's a guy for all we could know it could be the custodian!" They all laugh at my joke because we all know it's not the custodian. The custodian was the grumpiest woman we had ever met!

The bell rang and we went to our class, mine being science. Dylan and I got straight to work on our project.

"Hey can I ask you a question?" Dylan asks me shyly.

"Ya sure what is it?" I say thinking of all the possibilities that he could ask me.

"Um I'm just wondering but have you ever had a boyfriend?" I'm in shock of all the thing he was gonna ask me this was it? About my ex-boyfriend?

"Ya I did about a year ago."

"May I ask what happened?" I look up at him with shock why would he even want to know this. I shiver at the thought of my ex boyfriend, Jake. "It's ok u don't have to tell me," jake says.

"Well let's see Jake was the only one who really made me feel beautiful so when he kept saying it I believed him and fell for him right away," I can't believe I'm telling him this..."but then he moved the relationship too fast and he wanted to um well to be honest with you he wanted to have sex with me. We had only been dating for 5months and I am one of those people who believe u shouldn't have sex until marriage so obviously I refused to. But of course he was mad and jake thought I was just scared. And that is exactly what he told all his friends. So we broke up and he got with this new chick not even a week later. Ever since I never really dated anyone."

I finish my story and Dylan just looks at me. He didn't say anything and just kept quiet for a while.

"WHAT AN ASSHOLE!" Dylan exclaims! I was taken back by his response. "Did he seriously so that to you?" I nod. "Well he's a dick and u don't need him. And you know you don't need a guy to tell you your Beautiful all you gotta do is look in the mirror."

I look down and blush. I don't take compliments well I don't know what to say to them. And most of the time I feel like I'm being lied to but when Dylan just complimented me it actually for some reason felt genuine.

"Seriously Becca you are stunning and if a guy doesn't realize this he is stupid and blind. And just because Jake was the first to notice this doesn't mean he is the last."

We just sit there in the room, quiet for a few minutes. "I think we should get back to work..." I say and I get back to work. But I could feel Dylan staring at me for a couple more minutes before getting back to work.


It was now lunch and I go to my locker to put my books away. I open up my locker and a note falls out.

'Don't ever let a guy make you feel ugly because no matter what you are beautiful with out without him.'

I take the note with me and go find my friends. I find them and quickly show them the note. They both look at it with amazement in their eyes once again. They love these notes and the quotes that comes with them.

"Ok I bet this is a boy. A boy who likes you!" Sophia says with excitement.

"It probably isn't. To be honest most guys are this sweet and personally I think it's a girl. Girls are more observant on if someone is down and depressed or something and a lot of these has to do with your depression Becca," Skylar says handing me the note.

"I don't know if it's a girl or a guy but I really want to know who it is! I'm freaking out over the fact that someone else knows about me!!!"

We talk for the rest of the lunch about mystery person. Once the bell rings I get back to my locker and I find another note! This person is on fire today with the notes! This note was different though it wasn't a quote it was actually a letter.

'Becca I know your probably wondering who this is. Meet me under the tree after school today and we can talk then.'

It was signed from 'mystery boy' ok so now I know it's some dude. The tree was the big tree inside of our courtyard in the middle of the school. Should I meet him? Do I really want to talk to him? Part of me didn't but that other part of me was really curious.

I quickly snapchat Skylar and Sophia a picture of the letter and run off to class.


In the last 2 hours or so Skylar, Sophia, and I have been texting (in class I know I'm such a horrible person) and have been discussing 'mystery boy.' Skylar wants to go with me to meet him and make sure he isn't some serial killer. But to be honest we all know why she wants to go. She wants to see if he cute or not. Sophia is saying I go alone because this is personal and I think I have to agree with her.

So here I am walking to the tree. I am nervous but I am also quite excited to finally meet this guy. I bet you it's someone I know very well and see everyday.

I get to the courtyard and see a tall figure sitting at a bench. As I near closer, the boy stands up and comes towards me.

Oh my gosh this can not be happening! Not him! Why him? I could leave right now. Wait no I couldn't he's already seen me. He comes closer to me and finally our eyes meet.

"Hello Becca"

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