Heart ache

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Tiny little feet could be heard as adults were mumbling in the next room over. Yet, the twins had no idea what about. All they cared about was finding Aiden's stuffed bear lucky. He was the ugliest thing ever and he was missing places of fur. He wasn't much to look at, but it was one of the last gifts dada gave them when they were together.
Granted Aiden always thought it was ugly. After all his dada had bought it seconds hand and fixed it up as a gift. It was an old little blue bear that he loathed at one point since his brother got the cool giraffe, which was in a similar state as the bear. Yet, once the boys found out they wouldn't be seeing dada anymore, well he learned to love it. He brought it everywhere with him over the last few days. He didn't dare lose it since hugging it made him think of his dada.
Or at least that was the plan up until he lost it this morning.
You see the twins had snuck down to the lower ends of the castle where uncle Lance would disappear to all the time. They weren't supposed to be there, but could you blame them for wanting to go? After all they could hear the red lions human talking down there with their uncle almost every morning. So they were bound to be curious. They actually got a look at him before almost getting caught by papa.
Seeing him down there they rushed back upstairs. Once there no one seemed to notice anything off..that is except for the twins once Aiden realized he lost his stuffed bear. From there the twins were in chaos. They didn't really focus on much, no even cleaning, until they would find that bear.
They looked all day. They even pretending to sleep at night time to look. So far nothing. They had checked everywhere and nothing..that is until they realized they hadn't checked on place..they hadn't checked the dungeon.
So here the twins were now, clinging onto each other's hands, Alexander in the back slowly trudging hating how dark it was now as little Aiden dragged his brother to scared he would never hug his bear again to care. His heart raced making loud noise making him ignore his brother as his eyes searched around. He couldn't see the bear. And what was to happen if he couldn't find it.
How was he supposed to hug his dada again when he couldn't find the last thing that smelt like him? How?!
His mind raced with worries again and again as he kept searching. His brother sighed tried to stop him when it was seen around a corner. As the boys walked through the abandoned batsmen they saw a bit of blue around a corner. An ugly blue being held up in the air.
The twins stopped and rushed back around the corner. They expected to see the bee laying on the ground or near a wall. Bear anywhere. What they didn't expect was this giant purple giant cat creature holding the stuffed bear up looking it over as uncle Lance sighed. The twins froze up standing out in the open as they watched the scene before them like a horror movie.
The boys were shaking a bit as the cat creature held the bear carelessly in his hands. Uncle Lance had been saying something when a the cat creature flung the bear a bit to carelessly. Careless enough that a puff of fuzz popped out of its little arm where the last stitch Adam had ever fixed on the bear slowly reopened..seemingly erasing the last act he ever did for Aiden.
From there Aiden found himself breaking down in tiny sobs and tears. He didn't care who herd. This creature had just erased what his dada did before he went to sleep. He sobbed and cried yelling for his bear as his brother tried to calm him down.
That is until a skinny pair of arms picked him up and rubbed his back. "Shhhh...shh it's okay Aiden..Keith didn't meant anything by it..he didn't know..did you Keith?" Uncle lance spoke up as Aiden buried his head in his chest. Keith just nodded feeling as guilt as when his own siblings cried as he slowly handed over the bear.
Aiden just cling onto the bear crying into his uncle as poor little Alexander waddled slowly holding onto his hand.
As they walked away all Keith could remember is the glare Lance gave him as soon as the boy began crying.
A glare that made his heart ache.

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