Thanks for the memoires

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That was all he could hear. He could hear some screaming every time he closed his eyes. He could hear the screams as clear as day. Sometimes he could even smell the burning flesh if he kept his eyes closed.
Today however he could see it. He could see the fires. He could do see the bodies. He could see everything from that day. However it was something he wished he could forget.
"Solider Alpha 543 open the door." The captain ordered. He watched as his friend opened the door. Gas slowly left the room while dead bodies scattered the floor. It was awful.
It had been his first time being put in charge of watching a room like this. He was told that inside were people that went against the throne. People who had tried to kill queen Hagar. Which meant they deserved this. Well at least he thought they did but, no one deserves a fate like this.
The gas had suffocated all of them. Their eyes were colourless as well as dull but, red veins could be seen come from their eyes to their pupils. Black veins covered their throats. Their bodies were pale and limp.
What he found most disturbing was the children in there. They had shoved children in with their families. A body of grown women was limply holding clinging onto her two dead children. Another child was curled up in the corner not breathing, he probably died crying alone begging for his parents. There were to many bodies to describe without making him barf.
"They've all been exterminated?"
"Yes captains." His friend replied.
"Good...boys light a match and toss it in."
"What?" He blurted out spinning around. His stomach had dropped as soon as he spoke. Sweat even began to drop down his forehead. Thank heavens he was wearing armour or else his boss would be giving him the boat.
"Light a match and toss it it."
"The gas will make the bodies explode so make sure to close the door shortly after lightly the match. Then the bodies will burn to ash."
"Very well...but sir what did they do to deserve this?"
"Their leader rebelled against the queen. Then these ones refused to join our empire when she had their king beheaded. So they will be punished for following a leader who caused their downfall." The caption spoke aloud. "Now toss in the match...I have to go do some paper work." He sighed walking off.
The second he was gone, his friend there off his helmet and barfed on the floor. He gagged as well turning away from the bodies. Both males gagged for a while only one was able to keep it down. They both had to hold back tears as they glanced back at all those peoples.
"I..I can do this anymore Keith." His friend sniffled looking up at him.
"We have to..if we go against the queen...she'll have us killed and then our families. We both have to much to lose to run away." Keith sighed patting his friend's back. His friend just sniffled before barfing again. He sighed rubbing his back before his ears stood up on end as he heard it.
Something began to shuffle.
Keith slowly swallowed down his fears of a zombie. His heart pounded as he spun around. As soon as his eyes were back on the door he felt his heart stop. Standing there was a young girl, no older than 13. Her eyes were filled with tears as she began to cough up some gas.
"I..I want my mother.."She sniffled rubbing her eyes. "I...I Want my dad...where's my family?" She sniffled rubbing her eyes some more as she freely sobbed. Keith gasped a bit getting up. He slowly made his way over as she sobbed walking backwards in fear.
"No, no shhh....don't walk back'll suffocate on the gas. Come out and try to stay quiet." He whispered slowly taking off his helmet to get her to trust him. She just looked around at the dead bodies and slowly made her way over.
"I..I want my mama." She broke down sobbing as she rushed forward hugging him. Keith just froze up before hugging her. He held her like one would hold a toddler. After all she had been starved so she was fairly tiny now.
Keith looked at his friend whom promptly began looking for more survivors. None were to be found...well at least that's what they thought until he found a faint pulse on a three year old. So He picked him up to. Keith held the crying girl in one arm and a toddler struggling to breathe. He carried them away as his fiend did their job.
He was supposed to carry them to their boss. He was supposed to return them to the torture rooms. They were to be killed again in the morning. Yet, for some reason, he didn't. He didn't take them to his boss. Keith took them to the only person he trusted. His mother.
"Keeeeeiiiittthhh." A little four year old giggled tugging at his adopted brother's ears bringing him back to reality. Keith smirked picking him up making him squeal as he held him high. His four year old sister gasped and tried to climb up to join him yelling me too.
"Keith careful with him. Don't drop him." His mother called from the kitchen smirking a bit. Her husband chuckled watching as Keith picked up his baby sister as well doing the same thing.
"Love let him spoil them for a minute. It's the least he can do. Right Yorak?" His dad could be heard asking Keith's 11 year old brother.
"Dad all I know is I want more of this cereal."
Keith rolled his eyes kissing the tiny toddlers on the forehead before returning them to the floor. He watched as they giggled racing off down to their mom. He sat up yawning as his adopted sister, who had now turned 14 walked into the room.
"Keith you getting up?" She asks, green eyes filled with sleep instead of the tears that had been there when he first saw them. He just smiled at the greenish alien.
"Yeah. Yes I am Pidge. What did mom cook for breakfast?" He asks slowly.
"Oh cereal and she's trying this pancakes thing your dad told her about again...she burned it so you know your dad ended up cooking them." She yawned.
"Okay well tell them to save one for me Okay?" He asks. She nodded tiredly heading back out to get some food. Keith just smiled until she was gone. Once she was he sighed laying back in his new bed looking up at the ceiling. Tiny little green plastic star's He father had taken with him to space looked back down at him.
It had been almost whole year since he rescue Pidge and Mickey. Ever since then he had a much bigger family. Surprisingly his mom had expected them with open arms. This ended up them joining a rebellion of sorts a few months ago. They raced off with what they could carry and now they lived on a new plant. Not with much but, together. Despite him being happy here..the nightmares began. Ones where he relived memories. Memories of death and destruction.
Yet,there was also something new. A whisper. A voice that would whisper, "follow me.' It happened every s often trying to lure him somewhere. He didn't know why or who was doing it but, he refused to follow. After all he was finally happy. He wouldn't dare risk it all for a mystery voice.

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