Bedtime relavations

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"Here we go..thankfully that big idiot didn't rip the string out complete so it's the same thing your dada did..."Lance smiled handing the bear down to Aiden in his pjs. The toddler just cling to the bear sniffling kissings it's head making Lance smiled as he found himself remembering a younger Lotor crying over the last toy his father gave him breaking.
"Come now small need for tears. Let's get you to bed." Lance sighs happily picking the boy up. Aiden snuggled close as he was soon laid in bed before his brother was laid next to him.
"Alright goodnight boys." Lance smiled getting up and getting ready to leave. That is until a tiny tanned hand grabbed onto him.
"Please don't leave us uncle Lance." Aiden begged.
"Yeah please don't go..we to scared to sleep." Alexander said shaking a bit hiding under his sheets knowing the lights would get off soon. Lance just sighs.
"Well what would you have me do?" Lance asks.
"Sleep with us...please..just to protect us and Mr.bear.."Aiden mumbled hiding his face in the bear.
"Yeah keep us safe from the dark monsters." Alexander begged.
"Okay just five minutes." Lance smiled rolling his eyes before climbing into to bed finding the two boys cuddling close to him like a heater. As they did he found himself giggling at how cute they were being seemingly fighting to get closest before getting comfy.
From there they just laid there like that for a while,eyes closed.
Soon enough he could hear Alexander sleeping peacefully. As for Aiden, he was squirming somewhat still wide awake seeming so scared of something.
"Aiden darling come in now you need to sleep.."Lance yawned looking at him. Aiden looked up snuggling close shaking his head.
"I can't..I to scared that we are gonna lose Mr.bear."Aiden mumbled shaking a bit. Lance sighed thinking of what to do. What did his mother do when he was young and to scared to sleep? He began wondering when nothing came up in his mind for a second.
Then it hit him.
Oh that's right, his mama and papa only had him until his powers showed up when he was four. So technically he had never knew the long. Heck from what he could remember no one ever really cared except for Lotor at all and everyone knew his mother gave two shits about Lotor being scared. Then there was Adam, but he only met him when he was 8 during training and they only hung out in the day. He did however remember Shrio singing once to the boys.
Just as the memory of Shiro singing, he heard a song in the back of his mind. As his mind heard the tune he found himself humming causing the boys to seemingly calm down. So that made him wonder why not try it.
So slowly he opened his mouth and sang softly to him.
"Dancing bears

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