Up late

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"How long have you been up?"
Lance jumped hearing the nodded set before looking up. Standing up in the doorway was Shiro looking concerned to see the elf like alien sitting there shaking with bags under his eyes. Lanve just sighed looking down for a second biting his lip thinking.
"I think an hour..."he mumbled still picturing the faceless women from the night before. Something about her unnerved him. Almost as if she foretold his death or something.
"Yeah what time is it then?" Shiro asked walking forward putting his hand on his hip, letting his fatherly side take over.
"I don't know like 2?" Lance mumbled.
"It's 9...which means you've been up for over seven hours with no rest." Shiro sighed as Lance just shrugged. It wasn't his fault those faceless women kept him up all night. It wasn't his fault they seemed to stur something in him. It wasn't his fault he could still hear their screams when his eyes closed.
"You should go back to bed sometimes soon you know..I can help Lotor with our prisoner for the day." Shiro smiled trying to help him. Lance just looked away.
"Lance, look if you need time for some reason take it. It's not like-..."
Lance just refused to look at Shiro as slowly the screams echoed in his brain drowning the male out. They were slowly getting louder now. He could also seemingly smell something burning. Something like burned meat....but why would burned meat make his heart race? Why would it-
He jumped yelping as he covered his ears suddenly as that screams got louder. He could hear them yelling that name multiple times as the burning smell got worse. His eyes teared up as he suddenly scrunched feeling as if his lungs were burning. It felt like he was being burnt alive in a room with now air. He couldn't get a single breath in. But, why? Why couldn't he breathe? Why couldn't he seem to calm down?
Suddenly he felt and arm wrap around him. "Shhhhh.....Shh it's okay..just take a few seconds to breathe." Shiro whispered rubbing his back. Lance didn't know why but he clung to him shaking a bit trying to figure out what to do.
Slowly he rested his head on his chest listening to his heart beat. Lance shut his eyes drowning the screams and faceless voices out with the slow beats of his heart.
"LANCELOT! Run-bump bump"
Lance hut his eyes slowly calming down as Shiro just seemed to rub his back nervously.
"LANCELO-bump bump"
Slowly as he heard was the beating of his heart. Something about it was soothing whilst also calming. To be honest it was just what he needed for now. Just to heart something calming whilst having someone comfort him...something that Lotor used to try when they were younger but somehow always failed compared to how Shiro was doing now.
Something about it was just so comforting. So comforting that he didn't dare to move. He was scared if he did the voice would come back. So he just sat there listening for what felt like a few minutes, yet when he opened his eyes it was hours later with Shiro snoring peacefully beneath him.
Slowly he tried to get up, but found Shiro held him close as if protecting assuming he almost rolled off and tried to protect him. He also seemed to have somehow place a coat on top of him to keep him warm. His cheeks slowly heated up when he thought laying there.
Had Shiro held him as he slept? Why? And why did Lance feel his heart speeding up the more he thought about it?
Breaking him out of his thoughts was Lotor walking into the room. The second his friends walk in his face turn red as they both made eye contact. They just kinda stood there looking mortified at each other. Slowly Lotor tried to sneak out of the room, but ran into a wall making a loud thud thus waking up shiro.
The second his eyes opened he and Lance made eye contact. Their face broke out in a blush before labce jolted up.
"I am so sorry I-"
"No Lance it's fine...I just didn't know if you wanted me to put you to bed o-
"You didn't have to keep me with you if you didn't want to you k-"
"No Lance I did. I actually really lik...I mean I don't mind spending time...I mean"
"OkAy hate to interrupt." Lotor blurted out blushing, his voice even cracking a tiny bit seeming to be a bit embarrassed what he walked in on. "But uh....I...I found energy signals that match the red lions...."
The twi makes on the couch slowky looked uo at him.
"What does that mean?" Shiro asks.
"That's means we found another lion."

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