Hello there

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Lotor smiled playing with the boys outside. He had watched the kids climb up a tree but, keeping the proper amount of distance to make sure they were okay. Both kids were having so much fun all the time since they came here, and honestly it was a breath of fresh air to Lotor to have happy kids rushing around.
"Uncie Lotor! Uncie Lotor! Look! I so high!" One of the boys called from the tree.
"Aiden just be careful up there. You don't wanna fall down." Lotor warned while holding a sleeping Alexander in his arms, alexander whimpered curling up closer to him. He chuckled seeing the little boy nod as much as he could before going to climb down.
"I come down now for nap time?" Aiden asks looking down at his sleeping brother. Lotor found himself smiling nodding his head.
"Yeah, if you come down now you can get a nap time. And we can watched that show you're so fond of...what's it called again?"
"Barney!" Aiden beamed loudly. Lotor chuckled. God knows how, but they had been getting Earth channels in the castle. The one they watched the most was called treehouse and had some purple Dinosaur the twins loved. Thought to Lotor he looked like a cult leader.
Lotor hummed watching the little boy star to climb down the tree. He went slow just like Lotor had shown him to do. Granted he was probably in the wrong for teaching the boys to climb tree but, something told him they would need to know it.He didn't know what, but deep down something had been pushing him to learn to climb a tree. Shiro would probably have his head if he knew he was teaching the twins this. Heck he would probably have his head for teaching the boys about how to use weapons.
It didn't matter that they were in a war. Oh no, all that matter to Shiro was that they had a happy childhood. Yet, Lotor was more concerned with them living into adulthood. He wanted them to out live Shiro thus why he was teaching them these things when they were alone. Shiro would kill him for it though.
Maybe it was that thought that made his hair stand on end. Or maybe it was the cold air rushing behind him. Or at least he thought it was until Aiden climbed down and looked at his uncle. He screamed as loud as he could as soon as he did. Lotor found himself instinctively clinging on Alexander as he spun around to see the large red robotic lion they had been searching for, for years.
"What that..."He said before the eyes of it opened revealing a garla solider. Lotor panicked hiding Aiden behind him and holding Alexander closer to him. The two made eye contact before he spoke up.
"H..hello?" Lotor asked slowly.
"Uhhh...hi there....do you happen to know where I am...or if this is a dream?" The gakra asks aloud,
"I...this is a tiny mining planet on the edge of the galaxy. I don't know it's name but, it's nice...and no this isn't a dream....why would it be?" Lotor asks.
"I...I have no idea I was just honestly hoping it was." The Garla sighs.
"Well what might your name be?"
"My name is Keith and I guess I'm the paladian of the red lion."

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