Odd dream

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It was late when the voice started whispering in his ears. He curled up near his wife shaking a bit, a little on edge. After all the last time someone whispered to him was back when his family was first enslaved. That had been years since then and he knew that wasn't happening again but, it was so terrifying to think about.
He buried his face in his wife's shoulder when he drifted off again. Only this time he could see a red lion flying. One flying through space, while somehow humming like his mother used to.
Slowly he walked towards it. Somehow he was floating near the ship. Mainly because it was a dream. Yet, he caught up to the red lion. Slowly he reached up touching it causing the lion to switch colours turning yellow.
His eyes grew large as he lion turned it large robotic head to him. It's eyes seemed to shine when he heard the voice again. This time coming from the lion as it slowly said his name.

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