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"Keith come to bed." Korila sighed standing on the door way. Her son jumped a foot in the air before spinning around. Ever since he was younger he always stayed up late at night. Currently he couldn't sleep yet, he had a good reason for once.
"Keith baby, why do you have your sister?...and why is your brother laying on the floor like a corpse." She asks seeing her oldest looking tired. As for her two youngest, one was close to falling asleep in his arms. The other was butt naked laying face down on the floor snoring loudly.
"Well they couldn't sleep so I tired reading them a story." He sighs. "Then you know,Jessie  got grumpy and decided to be one with nature no matter what I said. Then he just kinda dropped down...Liz thought he died so now I can't put her down." He went to grumble when his little sister sniffled stirring a bit. He fell silent holding her closer and keeping silent.
"Keith baby hand her over." His mom sighed holding her arms out.
"Nope. I got her. You go get Jesse and for the love of god go put clothes on Jesse. He's been waddling around like a hairless beast or something," He chuckled holding the tired toddler girl closer. His mom just sighed dressing her youngest child up as Keith carried his younger sister to bed.
When they were alone in the tiny bedroom Keith found himself getting a pin of sadness within his heart. He seemed to be getting a wave of sadness. Almost as if he knew a big change was coming and there was nothing he could do about it. Yet, at the moment all he cared about was his whimpering baby sister.
He chuckled kissing her forhead and pushing her hair out of her face. She yawned making him chuckle a bit, eyes shining with a bit of joy. He grinned sighing happily.
"Okay bedtime." He told her.
"No. No no one." The toddler whined rubbing her eyes.
"Yes, yes. You need sleep." Keith Smiled cutely.
"No nnooooo. I no sleep." She whimpered.
"Well why not?" He asks slowly.
"I go bed clowns eat me." She whimpered loudly. Keith tilted his head like a cat questioning what she meant when his eyes fell on it. A weird clown doll Pidge had. One that had gone missing a few weeks ago.
He put the girl down and picked up the cool. God it was creepy. There was paint that made crying marks on its face and holes where their little eyes should be. Then there was the ratty hair.
"Wha....did Jesse take this?" He sighed. His sister sniffled nodding her head.
"Well why don't I just take this back to Pidge. And then I can assure you that the clown will leave you alone, okay?" He asks. She sniffled nodding her head. He smiled tucking her in and kissing her forehead before beginning the door to Pidge's room.
Pidge's room has a desk, filled with broken things. Broken radioes, broken shoes, broken books, just broken everything. Yet, somehow Pidge always managed to fix these items and resell them. It was like a cute little business that worked fairly well. Thus why they started working on fixing up bigger stuff. Case in point this damn doll that Keith found while out on a mission. It was originally covered in Ash and had a smashed arm but, Pidge was determined to fix it.
And for the most part they did fix a lot of it. It's just as mentioned before the doll was still creepy as fuck, just now the doll wasn't charcoaled colours. Plus it had all its limbs. Yet, it was almost as if it watched you with now eyes, no matter where you were if you were even just an inch closer to it.
Keith's concerns stayed in his mind as he walked into his younger siblings room. Pidge could be seen on their bed snoring as a tiny fixed radio laid next to thee bed, on a bedside stand playing a song from a random radio station somewhere in the universe. The radio shined a bit making a nightlight of rots in their room. Next to that was shelves covered in newly fixed things. Yet, on one shelf was a picture of their family that always made Keith smile.
Keith sighs happily listening to the music before putting the doll down o a table in a corner of the room with items that were to be fixed in the morning. He smiled glancing back at Pidge who smiled so brightly in their sleep. Then with a chuckle to himself, he headed back out of the room. Just as the door closed behind him he heard it again. The voice.
"Follow me."
He looked around a bit more alert. That was weird.
"Follow me."
He jumped a foot in the air before turning around. He spun in his spit looking all over the place wondering where the voice came from. He gulped waiting to hear it. Yet, he couldn't hear much anymore so slowly he headed to bed wondering what the hell that was.
And what did it want with him?

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