Panic in the lion

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"Oh my god..oh my god! Oh my god what are we gonna do!?!" Shay screams pacing around in the lion as the guards kept trying to tear the shield down with their bare hands. They had been sitting in the lion for the past two hours planning an escape and everything seemed calm. You know up until they brought in a sorceress from the emperor's weird magic school Hunk's mother used to tell him scary stories about. The witch had sat where they were for as long as possible glaring at them just waiting to see what the guards would do, but it was becoming apparent that they would act soon. And when witches acted, someone always was cut into pieces,
"I..we could still try flying through them?" Hunk suggested.
"And cause a cave in?"
"Okay maybe that's a bad idea...maybe we just walk the ship forward?"
"Palladian you need only wait. I sense the others nearby..."
And of course that was the moment Shiro rushed in to fight the guards.
Hunk and Shay watched this man punch a guard so hard in the face that Hunk swore he heard their nose crack from all the way up in the ships control system. Yet, despite the couple cringing Shiro kept going knocking a few guards out bellow them before waving at the ship seeming to try and be getting their attention.
Slowly hunk moved his hands to the controls having the Lion slowly move its head down, which was good as he had just guessed what the buttons did. The. The second the head hit the ground the mouth opened. Shay panicked thinking some guards would get in. Instead a human man and a Garla boy who had been hiding ran into the ship...granted she was pretty sure the Garla was another servant as he was in chains.
Slowly the head of the yellow lion slowly rose again. Yet,  steps couldn't be heard making their way to the control system. As the two moved forward Shay could feel her skin crawl. They couldn't be friends. Hardly anyone to break into the mines had been friendly. Usually they stole things all the time. Stuff like ships, such as the one the couple was hiding in.
" we sure they're good guys?" She asks softly shaking a bit. Hunk slowly wrapped his arms around his girlfriend shaking a bit.
"Not really no but they managed to buy us more I'm afraid we are just going to have to trust them...."  Hunk said softly holding her. Shay sighed burying her face in his chest to avoid seeing these people come in. Yet, the door slid open leaving the two standing there making eye contact with the couple.
Okay, so this was awkward. Ship was realizing now maybe running into the ship after knocking out 12 guards, with what looked to be a Servant locked under his hand was a bad idea. Maybe he should have thought through this plan like he always does....maybe he shouldn't have followed his gut like Lance had suggested over their comm.
"...Hi..."Shiro said waving a bit trying to convey to the panicked looking aliens they were fine. He tried smiling, but by the look the smaller green alien gave you would have swore it was a death glare.
"...hi..."the bigger alien said as their partner hid their face again.
"I...I'm Shiro and this is Keith. And we're with...umm...what did Lance say the ship was called again?" He blurted out realizing in all the commotion over the last few months, he hadn't bothered to memorize the name of the ship he would be help building or the princess he would help rescue. Maybe that would have been a smarter move.
"I-...If it's for empire...your can leave." Shay shook and mumbled from her hiding place. Hunk meanwhile reaching backwards seeming to look for a weapon to defend them. Oh no, this would not end well.
"No! No it's the lion ship!" He panicked seeming rebound about what the lion maybe provide such a large alien with.
"The what?"
"It's a ship! Full of lion ships and the lions talk.
"Voltron. We are working with the Paladins of voltron to rescue all 5 ships and make a new team.."Keith said keep calm as could be. Shiro blushed a bit thankful he was here to help and stayed so calm. It seemed to be helping him cope with their situation as well.
"Voltron? That can't be right. Princess Allura went missing with the ships and the other Palladian over 100 years ago..."Hunk said slowly.
"We'll we have the blue Lion, and red Lion,  and the Yellow one has been calling out to us and seemingly this is where they chose a new pilot..."Keith explained watching the couples eyes go wide.
"Paladin? One of us is a Paladin? How do you know?"
"Which one of you hear the ship talking?"
"Yes they talk in a sweet voice trying to bond. Have either of you heard a voice you cannot explain?"
"..:.well I'm hearing one but it's defined not kind...."Hunk mumbled
"Then welcome to Voltron. And we're here to rescue you..."
"Wh...wait this is all to much. So you're telling me I'm to pilot a talking lion ship through out space to protect the galaxy. And that ship is somehow going to be easy to escape in.
"We'll yeah Lance is making a portal..."
"Who the hell is Lance?"
Of course this was the moment that Shay looked out the window seeing bubbles. Slowly she leaned a bit getting a view of the ground bellow them which had somehow turned into what looked like a giant pool that the ship slowly Sunk into going to who knows where. She yelped in panic as Hunk noticed their sink. The two freaked out while Shiro started to try and explain it was just witch magic...which somehow made them panic more.
The ship kept sinking into its head went under the pool making the young couple scream. Only to open their eyes to find they were no longer in the mine, and instead on a large ship where a young Altean witch infront of them casting a few spells to land them there.
"Holy shit were gonna die"Shay panicked
Oh boy this was going to take some more explaining to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2023 ⏰

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