Meeting Hunk

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The pick axe in the large aliens hand went up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Yet, as everyone around him struggled to dig out the damn ship there leader was too into, all he could think of was his girlfriend, Shay.
She was so beautiful and such a lovely woman. They had been together for 4 long years, and despite not having or being much of a man for their species she loved him anyways. She was his rock in hard times, all jokes implied as he usually picked rocks.
Yet, despite that here he was digging through a shield around a lion ship that might as well be trash. While rocks aged gracefully, with the older they get the more valuable they were..this yellow lion was like crap.
From what he could see the lion had the front of its window completely smashed in. Half of its front leg was gone. Plus the thing had been sitting there so long he could see the last pilots dead body laying in it which was no more than a half disintegrated alien Skelton. There was probably not even a working battery in that ship unable for it to even move. So here they were digging up such a useless thing instead of letting him be with Shay.
Nooooo. Instead he had to try digging it out for as long as he could while Shay just cleaned the minerals harvested from this area. They just couldn't be together. They just had to be looking after this god Damn useless piece of wrecked rock.
"Boy I am no more useless than the old ring in your back pocket."
Hunk jumped a foot in the air whipping his head around assuming a guard was speaking to him. Yet, he just stood there looking around while everyone kept digging and digging.
"Did you not hear me boy? I care not that you are my new driver. If you call me useless one more then I shall gladly roar loud enough to cave in this whole cave and take your in grateful àss with me."
Hunk was shaking as his head turned to look at the old lion ship that was very odd. He could see the lights on as he stared at the voices origin.
He shook more as he heard a guard walk towards him. Heck he could even feel the guard towering over him as people turned to look. Everything seemed frozen that exact moment until the Lion MOVED ITS HEAD.
Everyone screamed jumping as the lion looked him in his eyes making his heart speed up.
The lion had moved. It had spoke to him. It had moved and spoken to him. And now it went from a sitting position to standing. It was alive. The ship was alive......HOLY CRAP THE SHIP WAS ALIVE!  It was alive and talking to him!
He panicked mentally as everyone was rushed back to their camp while the ship moved slowly towards the larger turtle like alien. Yet, he stood there. From panic or shock, Hunk didn't know. But for some reason as he processed the information despite all the panic. He stayed calm while the lion slowly moved down so it's head was inches from the boy. Inches from their new paladin. He seemed in shock before felling arms wrap around him for a kick hug.
"...Hunk..Hunk please snap out of it." Shay begged holding him from behind making the larger male turn around. He looked nervously at her.
"Hunk why is it moving? Mother said that ship has been there for early 10000 years. It was busted. Why is it moving towards you?" She seemed so panicked looking at him tearful. Shay couldn't bear to lose him. He was her everything.
"I...I know this sounds crazy..I swear it does, but spoke up me." He said glancing back at the ship. Slowly he felt the arms unwrap from behind him as Shay stood by his side as the chaos melted away around them leaving just them and the lion in his mind
"It spoke to you..."
"I...I know it sounds crazy."
"As long as you know that love."
" you don't believe me?..."
"..I do believe you. I truly do..I mean how else would you explain a completely busted ship magically moving towards someone...but why you?"
"...maybe it's because of my good looks..."
Shay snorted looking as him while slowly slipping her hand into his. She just seemed to glow making eye contact with him making his heart speed up as a loud thuds could be heard. Slowly their eyes wandered back to the lion who's mouth was now open wide revealing an intact cockpit.
The world fell silent as the couple stood there hearts racing wondering what this meant. Why was this happening? Was this their fate? What did this even mean?
"YOU TWO! What are you doing?" A guard yelled chasing towards them with a weapon in hand. Hunk froze and as the guard rushed he could see his mothers death replaying in his head from month prior...The death she experienced because she stopped for a moment to give her engagement ring to her son.
"What are you waiting for boy?" The lion bellowed getting his attention, just as the forcefeild fell.
"Bring the girl in! I dare not lose another paladin!"
And with that the lion's mouth was full of two aliens before the forcefeild closed again, as the lion sat up, just waiting for the new paladins escape plan...which so far was nothing.

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