Spirit of volotron

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"Night night boys. I love you." Shiro smiled kissing both of his boys on the heads. They both yawned and curled up. The oldest one, Aiden, yawned up at him with a cute smile while his brother, Alexander, dozed off. Shiro smiled tucking the blanket around them whispering another I love you before walking out of the room.
Shiro knew the twins were safe. They had been the entire time he had been knocked out. Yet, he still was nervous about them getting murdered. After all he did watch Adam die. He didn't wanna watch his baby's die.
"Okay, explain this all to me." Shiro sighed walking into Lance's room. Lance looked up from the book he was reading on his bed. His bedroom looked like one you'd see out of a fantasy novel.
One of the walls was a bookshelf that went to the roof, the ceiling was glowing accurate stars that seemed to change when the ship moved, along with this he had a wall covered in diagrams next to his own bathroom. He also had a few plant shoved into what looked like a tiny green house where Shiro figured a dresser should be. Don't even get Shiro started on the blue canopy bed. It seemed to change colour based on Lance's emotions when he laid in it.
"About what? About the bedroom? Cause I kinda need the rest of this stuff to be a witch." Lance explained looking up as his freckles seemed to shine like the stars. Shiro shook his head.
"No, no this whole alteans thing! I thought your guy's entire species disowned Adam or something." Shiro sighed again. His heart seemed to ache mentioning his old lover's name. Lance bit his lip before moving over on his bed and patting a spot next to him.
Shiro just sat down looking sad. The second he sat down, the side of the bed he sat on turned grey. Meanwhile the side Lance sat on stayed blue and seemed to have a few stars on it.
"Alteans are an alien species that we believe are closely linked to humans. In fact many history lesson witches on Altea learn in school or while studying are known as what human's call fairy tails." Lance explained slowly.
"No, no I get that. I know that. Adam explained that..he just never explained how you guys are different other than the pointed ears and weird cheek marks." Shiro explained bashfully.
"Oh that's okay. I didn't know for some time too and I lived on the planet that knows you guys exist...anyways, millions of years ago, after what you humans know as the Big Bang, four planets were created. On these planets, three species were created. Alteans, Garla and Humans." Lance explained with a smile.
"Okay...okay, can you go into more detail." Shiro begged a but still slightly confused
"With what?"
"With Alteans and why you're called a witch. I mean Adam never explained much about Alteans. He never even mentioned you guys had witches."
"Alteans lived on a planet called Altea that had a huge amount of radioactive for a smallmouth of time. Due to this few Alteans evolved to live up to this and allowed us to manipulate the matter that makes up everything in anyway we wish that helps us survive. It's a fairly rare trait that causes health issue that result in death so it is fairly rare to find a matter manipulator or as everyone else knows us as, witches."
"Well how come I've never heard of you guys before. Even from Adam!"
"Oh that's fairly easy. Long ago, one of our first space crews went to earth during what I believe was called the dark ages, our witch used matter manipulation and was burned to death on a cross...due to this very rarely does any alien go to earth. Adam never would discuss this because....well his parents disowned him. He wanted nothing to do with Altea after that. So he went to earth to just avoid all contact with us."
"Okay what about these Garla. All he told me was that they were kinda like cats in a way..you know with fur and huge ears."
"The garla was the third species created. Their planets as more dangerous to live on with the bad temperature and deadly hazards. So they evolved to survive any temperature and to be able to defend themselves. After the first garla ship crashed on Altea, our species created a bond and explored the galaxy together. Our species discovered many new planets and species that slowly evolved over time. It was the biggest discoveries for both of our species. We shared knowledge as well. The garla taught us how to survive and we taught them about our science and matter manipulation." Lance explained. Shiro bit his lip nervous.
"Okay but why on earth has no one mentioned them before. All I know is that Lotor is half garla. So why can't I hear more about them?" Shiro asked slightly annoyed. He knew they were hiding things from him. He didn't know how but, he just knew. He could feel it in his gut. And his gut never had lied before.
"Ho-how do you know that?" Lance asks slowly. He had paled a bit and looked ill. Which just proved Shiro's point of them hiding something from him.
"I over heard you two talking about it. Look, I just wanna know why I haven't heard about it before! So why haven't you talked about the fatal before?" Shiro asks slowly. Lance's ears twitched as he just curled up a bit, he noticed that where he sat slowly turned pitch black below him.
"Two...two generations ago the Garla king was engaged to the Alteans princess Allura. Yet, her sister...she wanted the king to herself. Everyone in the kingdom knew it. And next thing anyone knows Allura goes missing along with a few garla and a few Alteans that were supposed to protect her. No one knew what happened and if they dare questioned our queen, she had them exiled. Yet, despite this she was a kind ruler. Then next thing anyone knew the king and Queen had children...and the oldest of them was Zarcon. He was noble at first and very intelligent..yet..he seemed more garla then his brother's and sisters. No one dare question it.
"Yet, suspicion slowly slipped in so the queen had him marry a witch...Lotor's mother who in turn killed most of the royal family...she wanted all the power for herself...she took over the garla empire. Her husband tried to stand up to her but....he got shoved out a window. Everyone expected them to get a divorce but instead, they had Lotor and the cycle of abuse she put on both kingdoms continued with a majority of it happening to her son and husband. It continued for years, getting worse as Lotor gained two more siblings. That was when I was assigned to Lotor for his 12 birthday to do anything I can go please him...then next thing I know we steal a ship and run off, exploring the galaxy together..looking for a way to find Allura or anyone we can to save both our species in the entire galaxy...Adam probably didn't want you to know how bad thins back home are." Lance explained slowly. He looked terrified by the time e finished.
"Can...fan anything free you guys?"
"Yes...when our three species were created, the fourth planet had a fourth species. Yet, they all died creating five item made out of matter to protect the galaxy and create peace. These items form together to create volotron, the being that is supposed to protect our universe..Princess Allura was looking for it when she went missing. If we can find it, we'll all be safe." Lance explained getting excited as he talked. Shiro sat there question what he just heard forna second. Then he spoke up.
"So where are we looking next?"
"Well you need as much help as you can to find these items so, I'm in. Sowhere do we start?" Shiro asked making Lance smile.
Yet, he had no idea what he was getting into.

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