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"Keith! Keith!" Korial yelled as she followed footsteps in the sand infront of her. She had been searching all day and night. After all she saw Keith the morning he went missing, and there was no way she wasn't going to look for her son. She wasn't gonna stop looking for her baby as long as she could.
"Kora! Kora!" She heard her husband yell as he rushed over. She didn't turn around though. Yet, all she did was just yell louder looking for her son. She was shaking seeming so scared at the thought of finding her son dead or not even finding him at all. However a part of her begged to see him. To listen to his voice one more time. Heck to even see a flash of him would be good.
That is until an arm wrapped around her waist.
"Love come home. You're been looking for days and you need rest...well find him it just may take a while." Her husband mumbled to her making her eyes water as she dropped to her knees breaking down.
Her son was gone. Her little keith was gone. Her first baby. Her emotional, caring loving baby boy was gone.....and no one knew where he was.

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