Game plan

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the room was deathly silent as the three aliens and Shiro were sitting around a table looking at the image in front of them. Their ship had been able to track down the yellow lion the second it had been activated. yet, the second the name and image of the planet popped up, everyone fell silent. Now while Shiro had no idea why, he would assume it was a big reason why everyone was so silent and pale looking. Yet, did he dare ask.

"How are we going to get a ship off of there?"

Oh never mind. Guess Keith would ask a way. Hopefully it would answer all the questions he had too.

"I don't know maybe we should ask the solider." Lotor quipped.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Keith asks glaring a bit at the disgraced prince.

"We hacked into the empire's system. Your first few missions were on this planet working as ground control." Lotor snapped glaring at him. Keith shifted uncomfortably in his seat biting his lip.

"Lotor...maybe you should be a bit easier on him. For all we know he could have been forced to play along much like a certain Altean I used to know." Lance said carefully laying his hand on his old friend's shoulder. Lotor glanced over glaring before sighing as he seemed to relax before giving a dark stare back at the Garla.

"What my friend means.." Lance started before the Altean could say anything else and embarrass himself more. "Is that we were able to get a hold of info that you used to work here and keep an eye on the there wasn't much on record about any execution's you had done or even any records of you doing what the empress used to refer to as 'correcting' the slaves. So we know you most likely have a better relationship than most with those enslaved here and know the running's of this do you have any ideas on how to get the lion out?"

"Wait, wait up did you just say slaves?" Shiro blurted out before Keith could even speak up.

"Yeah slaves. You know people who are forced to-"

"No Lance I know what they are, but l just never knew you have them in space! Adam never mentioned that being a part of space at all" Shiro blurted out seeming to get really upset. Lance seemed to flinch at the mention of his cousin in the same sentence as Slave. Almost as if he remember something.

"The concept has been around for millions of years...hell before the empress took over Altea had the max amount of slaves owned for years. The numbers only stopped rising when Queen Allura renounced the idea of it...she used the lions she had the Altean built to fight to end it whilst also keeping peace..unfortunately when she went missing all those years ago the numbers only doubled..."

"How has no one tried to stand up to this before?"

"They have..."Lance looked away biting his lip. He seemed to tear up as is remembering something.

"They just usually are snuffed out before they can make any difference...that was what I was put on that planet to do." Keith admitted speaking up. "I was to keep them from rebelling....but, I wasn't exactly good at the job...."

"What does that mean?" Lotor asked. Keith gulped. Now was a good of a time as any to admit any faults.

"I may have let a few 100 slaves break out during the biggest outbreak in history...and may have also learned about a few secret tunnels around the planet before I got transferred to a new task force." Keith admitted before slowly looking up to see both Altean's had their mouths dropped open.

"What?" Lotor blurted out.

"How was this not on your record?" Lance asked jumping forward seeming to cheer up as he held onto his new friend's hands. Keith broke out in a blush looking at their intertwined hands. God, Lance's hands looked perfects. Especially in his own slightly large partially purple ones.


"Yes cat boy." Shiro smiled placing a hand on his shoulder seeming to loom over the two. "How come they didn't find it on your records?"

"Well one, the empire didn't wanna admit they had made any screw ups...second off they tend to leave mistakes and achievements out of half breed records all the time. They would rather pretend their citizens mistakes don't exist....and when they mess up big it is usually included in their reports unless their parents are high ranking. And thankfully my mom is..."Keith smiled pitifully.

"That's prefect for our plan!" Lance smiled beaming again seeming to tune out the scary aura Shiro was throwing the hybrid's way.

"What?" Keith asked.

"Well then your disappearance hasn't been report not because they haven't noticed but because they don't care."

Okay, even hearing that Shiro was a bit insulted.

"Lance please clarify! please" Shiro begged.

"okay so if they just see you as a mistake then they wouldn't keep records of where you went until you participate in a big event right? That is why your next recorded station if 2 years in teh future right?"

"Yeah..that's when-"

"No, I mean that no one would really know where you are stationed unless they had a reason to look or notice right?"

"right..."Keith confirmed.

"so who would notice an extra half-bred Garla sneaking around a few caves with a new slave!"

"That could actually work!" Keith cried out almost as if he was surprised. It was almost as if he didn't expect the plan to work.

"Well who would be the slave? Lotor? Cause unless I am wrong you both are wanted men!" Shiro exclaimed. Then once again the room fell silent as they all looked at him. Which is when it clicked. He knew what they wanted him to do.

"No" He blurted out.


"No! No I am the only parent my boys have left! If I die no one will be able to look after them! And they will be left all alone in a war! I am not doing that too my boys!!" Shiro snapped at them.

"What other option do we have?" Lotor asks getting worked up.

"I don't know just not me!" Shiro panicked.

"Shiro nothing bad is gonna happen..Keith will be there to watch after you.."

"Well how do you know he wil-"

"Hey, look at me." Keith said making sure the older human made eye contact withy him. "I can promise you on my own mother's life that I will not let anything happen to you."Keith said holding his hand lightly. Something about the look was both comforting and genuine. It was almost chraming.

Shiro just blushed for a second before speaking up.

"Alright then...let's do it."

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