The gauntlet

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"So what does this training involve anyways?" Shiro asks with a yawn, having just woken up. Lotor just rolled his eyes before digging out a huge case of something. The case opened showing many weapons, a lot of which involved blades. Yet, there were some other things in there as well. There appeared to be a few bits of armour and a very tiny box in it as well.
"Wow..everything is covered in purple jewels and looks like it's glowing."Shiro blurted out breathlessly looking at the items. Each one seemed to glow like a glow stick that was slowly dying. It seemed to just be glowing lightly.
"I know it looks amazing, it's royal weapons I was able to grab when we left a while ago. And they work very well, it's just you know, there's to many weapons for just two people to use." Lotor explained before digging out a knife.
He held it up showing the silver blade to Shiro which had light purple markings on it. It was memorizing to look at. Then he lightly tapped on a jewel on the handle of the knife. The second he did, the knife became a sword. One that you would hear about in fairytales with light purple glowing markings making out the image of a tree on it. Just looking at it took Shiro's breath away. It looked magnificent.
"Alright, pick a weapon and try it out." Lotor smiled headed towards a control panel. He just stood there seeming excited. It was like he hadn't done this with anyone new in years. Actually he was kind of acting like an excited child. He was practically bouncing off the walls.
Despite this, he only watched Lotor for twenty seconds before looking over the weapons. He had never used a sword, so he dare not try one out now. If he did, he would probably lose an arm. As for the knifes, he would most likely somehow turn it into a sword. The armour seemed to be nice but, he didn't see how it classified as a weapon. And the tiny box looked like a digital watch that went over the palm of your hand and had no time part on it.
Yet, despite this all, something did catch his eyes. A metal wrist band with a bunch of purple gem stones on it with silver iron making it. It seemed to just reach out and speak to him. So, for some reason he put on some jewelry as he walked over to Lotor. He gulped wondering if maybe he made the wrong choice when Lotor spoke up.
"Wow, are you sure you can handle that? I mean no disrespect but, it's awfully hard. I mean it'll warm up your arm really bad when it works...and it could be bad if you could lose a body part." Lotor warned slowly.
"Dude, relax. It's just a bracelet. What's the worst that's gonna happen?" Shiro joked. Lotor shrugged.
"Alright, alright but just know it's gonna hurt if it goes wrong. I'm not aloud to let you die." Lotor warned. Shiro rolled his eyes nodding. Again it was a bracelet. How bad can it be?
Yet, soon he found himself get distracted as a bunch of walls came up separating the two. As soon as the walls came up, a robot popped up out of the floor. It stood there scanning Shiro while Shiro stood there nervously. He gulped biting his lip. This was going to end badly.
"Species:Human, Body type: female, No body injuries detected, level threat as of current time: level 1 yet, the weapon threat level is much higher. Do you wish to begin training?" The robot spoke up. Shiro gulped.
"I-...sure! Begin training level one." Shiro said aloud knowing he needed to at least try this. At least level 1 couldn't kill him. Honestly it couldn't.
"Very well then. Bringing training level 5."The robot said aloud.
"Wait, what? No no, start with level one! I can only handle level one!" Shiro panicked.
"Begging level 5."the robot said emotionlessly before charging at him. Shiro yelped jumping out of thee at. He rolled under the robot's only foot on the ground. The robot fell down for split second. Then it was up again. Meanwhile Shiro just panicked.
He grabbed a tiny piece of shrapnel on the ground and tossed it at the robot. The robot then paused as the shrapnel stuck in it's arm. A bit of oil dripped out of it's arm. Shiro got up taking this as a distraction. He quickly kicked the robot to the ground. He climbed on top of the robot and started hitting it. Yet, the robot blocked its head like a human would.
Then it threw him across the room unto one of the walls. He laid there moaning in pain before seeing the robot. It charged at him again. Shiro didn't have any time to react before the robot kicked him in the chest. He screamed in pain as the foot kicked against his chest again. The robot went to kick him again but, thankfully Shiro caught the foot in his hand. The second he realized what happened, Shiro pulled on the robots leg, popping in off, out of the socket. It clung onto the floor making Shiro cheer before the robot dropped down to its other leg. Next thing he knew a robot was gripping onto his neck.
He panicked gripping the robot at the hand, trying to make it let go of him. It wouldn't come off. Instead it just got tighter. His heart pounded as his vision began. Yet, soon he heard a sizzling noise as his vision began to come back. He looked down realizing his hand was covered in a metal gauntlet that was glowing and was melting the robot's hand.
He sat up looking at the melted robot hand on the floor. He froze gulping. Then he reached over and gripped the robot's torso as it was stunned. The gauntlet burned right through the robot. He watched the hand turned a bright purple as it got warmer. Then slowly it turned back to a bright shiny Silver as it cooled down. Slowly the robot spoke up again.
"Training level 5 completely. It's Recommend that you practice with that weapon before you go on any missions." The robot explained, walls going down. Shiro stood there, torso kinda bruised looking, tired as ever when Lance raced over. Lance hugged him tightly makings hid whimper.
"Oh gosh I'm so sorry. It's just you did so great. Let get you to the med bay to heal those wounds." Lance said aloud helping him walk. Yet, only one thing ran through Shiro's head.
"What was that I used?" Shiro asked.
"It's a ember gauntlet. It warms up to a degree high enough to melt iron and other metals. It's hard to use and yet you some how managed to use it without any training. Which is very impressive." Lance spoke aloud blushing slightly.
"Well in that case in definitely using it again." Shiro smirked.

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