Once again

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"I'm sorry what!" Shiro asked looking at Lance. Lance turned brightly as he pulled the image up on s screen showing the lions that made up Voltron. Lotor just looked up with a sigh knowing what came next.
The lecture.
"I'll go check on the boys." Lotor said getting up and leaving the room as quickly as he could. He headed away knowing how long this would take. Lance grinned clearing his throat and began his presentation.
He pointed at a asteroid.
"Long ago king Alfor had a asteroid crash into his home planet, Altea which is where I'm from and where Adam was from an-"
"No I get the alter part and the asteroid part. And the studying the asteroid part. And the part where they used the material to make big robots. It's just the talking part." Shiro pointed out. After all Lance had just took thirty minutes to tell the whole story of the construction of the robots. And this was the third time he told Shiro this story.
"Oh yeah I'm just getting there!" He Smiled waving his hand, rushing by Six other slides until he got on one with a very large metal lion's face. Lance cleared his throat before speaking up again.
"The lions have a mental link between people. It is believed that the matter in the asteroids aloud this link. The first Pallad was recorded saying his lion gave him word of encouragement during battles and during training." Lance smiled. "So this implies if we just open our minds we should be able to link with one of the lion's and be able to talk with them."
Shiro just looked at him for a second. Lance was beaming so brightly, showing how baldy he wanted one of these lion's. If Shiro didn't know any better, he would have guessed he was married to one of the lion's or wanted to date them. Maybe he was a furry for these lion's. Honestly Shiro didn't wanna know but, the second Lance's baby blue eyes opened shining showing how proud he was.
"So do you wanna try opening your mind to talking with a lion at the next stop?" Lance Smiled, a slight blush emerging his cheeks. Shiro felt a tiny blush fall upon his face as his heart speed up a bit. Something about their eyes meeting made him feel....odd. As in it made him more happy then he had been the last couple days.
Shiro quickly broke the gaze away turning more red for a second. He quickly shut his eyes biting his lip as Lance's ears dropped like a cats for a bit. He looked at the ground, the light of excitement slowly leaving his eyes.
Shiro glance over just in time to see lance biting his lip. Lance's eyes shut quickly showing an expression of just disappointment. Then he opened them and showed off a fake smile. It was clear he was trying to pretend that nothing happened.
"I....if you don't want to it's fine. Like it's just a weird idea...I mean we don't even know if it'll wo-" Lance was cut for.
"No! No I'll do it. I mean I'll try it. I mean it could work right." Shiro Smiled making Lance grin once again. A bit of the spark of excitement came back into his eyes.
"Prefect. Now any questions."
"Just two."
"And what would they be?"
"What kind of crystals do I have to wear and what kind of essential oils do I have The bathe in?" He joked getting a laugh out of Lance.
A laugh that made butterflies in his stomach , that were deader than a doorknob day's ago, start flying once again.

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