Where's dad

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Shiro sighed taking a few tired breaths as he sat down on the couch. He had been training all day with Lotor. It was exhausting to say the least. To be honest he just wanted a nap right now but, he was determined to get better at this even if it killed him. This was all for the boys. He just needed the boys to be okay. They were all he had now.
As he was lost in thought, two little pairs of feet could be heard pattering against the floor. Lance could be heard giggling whispering for them to slow down. He smiled, eyes closed, knowing what was going to happen next.
Sure enough the boy quickly raced over and jumped into his lap. Shiro laughed opening his eyes. Aiden was giggling at his dad. Then he stood up kissing one of his cheeks. Alexander decided to copy him. So Shiro was being showered in kisses while Lance could be heard laughing.
"Thank you boys. You know papa loves kisses." Shiro smiled happily.
"Papa have fun?" Alexander asked soon looking at him.
"Yes, papa had fun. He love training with uncle Lotor." Shiro smiled.
"We train next?" Aiden asked curiously sitting down on his lap. Alexander did the same. Both had the same curious looks on their faces. One that they earned from Adam long ago.
"Nope. You two are way to young to train...wait until you're older.."Shiro smiled a bit sadly, kissing both boys on the forehead.
"Oh...papa wanna play with us then?" Aiden asked hopefully, eyes shining. Shiro bit his lip wondering what to say. He had so much more training to do but, he didn't want to let his boys down.
"Oh boys...papa can't. He has to keep t-"
"Shiro you've been training all day. Go play and I'll make something for us to eat. I wanna see if I can get a hang of this Pee-za thing right." Lotor yawned walking into the room. Shiro sighed, smiling a bit looking down at the boys. The boys smiled hopefully.
"Okay." Shiro smirked. His response was two excited squeals. Then off the twins bounced off his lap. The stood up waiting for him. Shiro laughed a bit standing up, holding their hands. Then off they lead down a hall to their play room.
Even though the ship never had children in it, it had a play room. It seemed to have been design for some child. There was so many toys in there. Plus there seemed to be a huge playhouse that looked like it was made out of what looked like nature. The toys were as cute as ever. They had tiny little blobs that were like slime the body were crazy about back home. Yet, the second the blobs were out of their original shape, they would float above their head until they reconnected. This cycle as you could guess continued for hours.
There was also a weird Barbie of sorts. She looked like a female version of Lance. Yet, she had bright blond hair, pink eyes and pink cheek marks. Plus she was very very pale white. If the lights were off, her cheek marks would glow. There was also one that had bright white hair, blue cheeks marks and a crown on. This one did the same thing as the other but, with blue. Plus there was also a few wooden lions that kinda floated at times. Shiro had no idea how that worked. All he knew was that it was harmless. Plus the boys loved it.
"So what are we gonna play with for first?" Shiro asks looking at the boys. The boys shrugged.
"Slime stuff." Alexander giggled.
"Glow dolls." Aiden smiled happily. Shiro laughed looking at both boys. They just loved everything in space. Especially Lance. Yet, they loved every glowing thing. So maybe they just thought he was a big star.
"Okay well don't break anything okay boys?" He smirked happily. The boys nodded proudly as they continued to lead the way. Things stayed silent for a while. Then one do the boys look up at him.
"Yes Alexander?"
"When is dada coming back?"
Shiro froze. His heart just crumpled at the mention of his ex lover. His hands had let go of the boys. He didn't even notice though. All he did was see ever memory with Adam in his mind.
Memories of them trying to dance like human couples do. Then them laughing loudly as ever. Trying to watch human movies together. Adam trying to cook dinner..needless to say that night needed to go get take out that night. Working harder on trying to understand space. Next came the memory of the twins being born, which involved a crying Adam a lot. Then trying to find out how to teach the kids to talk. Finally it ended with the memory of him holding Adam as he died.
There was muffled voices as he looked around. He didn't see much though. He just...saw his corpse. All he saw was Adam's corpse. Yet, all he did was just stand there as tears dropped down his eyes. The voices got louder as an actual sob left his mouth before he could stop it.
Suddenly he felt something hug his leg. He looked down.
"Papa are you okay?" Alexander asks looking up at his dad, while hugging his leg. His brother did the same with the other leg. Shiro quickly wiped his eyes. He faked a smiled bending down to look at the boys. He just hugged them close trying his hardest to stop crying.
"Yeah, yeah he's fine. He's just...a little sad." Shiro mumbled.
"Why papa?" Aiden asks. Shiro bit his lip. He took a deep breath before speaking up again. His Heart ached as he spoke.
"Boys, dada isn't coming back...he...there was an accident. And...and he's dead..so we won't be able to see him anymore." Shiro mumbled, tearing up. The twins just looked up curiously.
"Dead? What's that mean?" Aiden asks nervously. Shiro opened his mouth and just sobbed. He just sobbed holding the boys close, hardly able to speak. The boys just clung back hugging him back as Shiro cried. Yet, he could hardly get a word out.
After all how do you tell your kids their father is dead?

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