Uncle lance

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When Lance was younger he could remember holding a baby. He used to baby sit like....three kids. Well all of them were related to royalty in some way. That didn't mean that he hated it. In fact he loved babysitting. He loved it so much.
He did have to give it up in order to be a witch though. He had to. No witch could have a child unless blessed to by their ruler. From how Lotor was acting, there was no way in hell that was gonna happen for a very long time. So he had always been okay with the idea of never having kids until he turned 150. That is until Adam's lover had been rescued with their kids.
And now as you could guess it meant he had kids in a way. Well at least it did to him. And Lotor found it rather annoying.
"Lance I-...."Lotor just froze staring at him.
There Lance was sitting there with toddlers. The two boys just sat there looking around. Meanwhile Lance was smirking behind where he was hiding.
"What is this small ones? Have I ceased to exist?" Lance asked the toddlers. The boy's just looked around for Lance, not really understanding what the heck he was saying at all. Like it was obvious. Except you know, Lance didn't care. He was gonna play with the bits for a lot longer.
"Deception! I have not!" Lance smiled through the blanket he was holding in front of his face into the air, his cheek marks glowing a bright blue along with his freckles. The twins squealed seeing their uncle literally glowing before waddling over and hugging him. Yet, they apparently were able to get him to fall over.
Lance laughed while the twins crawled up to his face. Once near his glowing freckles, they patted his cheeks. Lance smiled before kissing both their cheeks making the twins giggle. He seemed rather happy. Like as happy as Lotor had ever seen him. Lotor just smiled from a distance before speaking up.
"Oh no. What is this? Is my only witch being attacked by tiny soldiers?" He smirked walking over. Lance smiled sitting up, holding the twins in his arms. He just was beaming up at him.
"Oh no. More like the witch has kidnapped a few soldiers." He smirked kissing the twins cheeks, making both white haired twins laugh. Lotor smiled watching the tiny kids ears twitch. They seemed to be having fun.
"Shiro is almost fully healed and is changing. He'll be here soon." Lotor smirked soon.
"Oh that's perfect. I have a few questions about these little witches for him." Lanve joked. The twins just giggled snuggling close to each other. Meanwhile Lotor just sighed.
"I think he'll be asking who on earth is babying his little witches. That a-"Lotor stoped talking as one of the toddlers tugged on his hair. He smirked looking down and seeing the older toddler giggling.
"Oh lord you two are so cute..you know if Shiro dies, we could just adopted you. Or you know just baby you both for your entire lives." Lotor smirked before kissing the chubby toddlers cheek, trying to tug his hair out of his hands. Thankfully he did. Yet, it was the same time that the toddler squished his cheek, making Lotor smirk. Lord these two made him want to have kids.
"You know you could always just adopt like 70 of them back home after all this is over right?" Lance smirked seeming happy holding the two twins. Lotor just rolled his eyes just thinking. You know just until the door opened. Shiro just stood there in a skin tight outfit which made Lance blush a bit. The twins meanwhile squealed.
"Papa!" The oldest twin giggled holding his arms out. Lance smiled putting the twins out. He laughed a bit watching the chubby toddlers racing over, hugging their dad's legs. Shiro just laughed hugging his kids, carrying them.
"Hi my baby boy's." He smiled nuzzling them both. Meanwhile the twins just smiled laughing. Then soon they laid there aghast his chest with tiny yawns. He soon sat down, seeming happy as the twins took a tiny nap against their chest.
Yet, he didn't let them go. He didn't know what would happen if he did. For all he knew they could have possibly died from these people trying to kill him. Just like how those people killed Adam. He kissed their tiny heads and refused to let them go. Not with the thought of Adam on his mind.
"Okay, where the hell are we?" Shiro snapped looking at the two other male's.
"On a ship that my family owns..well owned." Lotor spoke aloud.
"Okay why?"
"You sent us a distress signal in the space ship..and we thought it best you stay with us." Lance explained biting his lip slightly. He seemed nervous for some reason.
"Okay. Finale question. How do you know Adam?" Shiro asks slowly. Lance sighed looking down seeming upset. Lotor just gave his friend a supporting smile at all.
"He was my cousin. He...there was a mission five years ago and we thought he died. He got captured instead and...and when he escaped he met you. And apparently he had a whole life with you..and now it's my responsibility to take care of you in any way." Lance explained.
"Whoo, whoo wait. What on earth do you mean by in any way?"
"In in any way."
"And that would be?"
"...kinky stuff probably I don't know really. I never really learned the laws back home very well." Lance blushed. Oh lord, this was gonna get awkward.

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