Red Palladin and Red lion

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"Keith....Keith where are you?"
Keith stopped in his tracks. His friend voices were cut out by a female voice. He didn't know who's but it sounded like she was whispering in his ears. Yet, no he was there and he seemed to he the only one to hear her seeing as he was the only one that stopped walking.
He looked around biting his lip, ears twitching as he wondered where the voice was from. He couldn't see anyone there at all. Instead all that was there was a few mountains and a few mushrooms.
He gulped looking forward trying to catch up with his friends. He took about four steps before hearing it again.
"Keith my cub come find me."
He spun around again and once again didn't see anything. Yet, something was telling him to head over to the biggest mountain. He didn't know why or if it was a good idea but, he felt like he needed to go over there. Keith just thought for a second before turning to ask his friends if they heard the voice too. Instead he was greeted with the fact they had already left.
Keith sighed mumbling curse words to himself. Of course this was the only time they left without him. It just had to be when he was hearing the voice. It was just his stupid luck. He sighed before doing something dumb. Keith headed to the mountain, where the voice was coming from.
"So close keith. So close. Come find me and accept your destiny."
Something about the word destiny made him internally panic. He started walking around the mountain in a circle wondering what the hell the voice was and where it was coming from. Unfortunately he didn't see anything. Well at least not for a while.
He was just about to give up when he noticed a few rocks, away from the other ones piled up against a tiny corner of the side of the mountain. It looked natural if you glanced at it quickly. Yet, the more Keith glanced at it the more he could have sworn one of the rocks looked like it was a extremely light red instead of a grey like all the other rocks.
Slowly he walked over, hair on the back of his neck standing up for some reason. Slowly he reached down and picked up the red rock to be great by a huge gust of wind from a tiny whole he just had made. Keith dropped the rock to his side in shock wondering what the hell was going on. As he stood there more gusts of wind cake in a cycle. There was a big gust , then nothing, then a gust again. It was almost as if something big was breathing in there. It unsettled him a bit more.
Slowly he picked in com up to contact his coworkers or friend or his boss or hell even the queen herself. This was way to freak for him to deal with right now or at all really. It felt as if something was in there watching him. Waiting until he moves those rocks. Once he does, he felt as if whatever was in there would try and eat him. So as far as he was concerned it was his boss problem.
"Do not be Afraid my cub. I mean you no harm. I just wish to grant you the keys to your destiny. One where everyone is proud of what you do."
Keith almost screamed hearing the voice again. Instead all he did was jump and drop the com on the ground, right onto the rock he dropped, shattering it into little pieces. He looked down cursing at his luck as the voice spoke up again.
"My cub you must hurry and free me so we may protect the ones that meant the most to you."
"What do you mean by that?" Keith found himself blurting out looking at the hole he had made, as it gushed out more air.
"We both know Pidge is not safe as long as they are hidden in your house. Their species was to be killed a year ago. If they find her they will have her killed and they will not care who gets in the way. As long as the queen wants her species dead she is in danger as is your youngest brother. Free me and we can protect them together."
Keith was at a loss for words looking at the hole. He just stood there before his mind flashed to when he found them. All he could remember was holding them close and keep them calm. Then slowly the memories of the dead bodies popped into his mind. The second he saw one in his head, he found himself on his knees quickly digging through the rocks.
There was no way in hell he was letting anyone hurt his family. Especially not his siblings.
He kept digging until all the rocks were open showing a big hole in the ground. It looked like a big hole of sorts but, he couldn't see in it. It was almost like it was a bit water slide his father had once described to him. It was like there was a drop you slide down on with something to cover your head but, you could not see the end of the slide. Instead he just saw it went down to pitch black nothingness which had a tiny almost unnoticeable blue dot in a corner.
"Come get me my child."
Keith stood up looking around, heart picking up. He found himself sweating from fear he gulping as he got closer to the hole. He slowly mumbled a prayer under his breath before closing his eyes and climbing into the hole.
Just as his father had described water slides as he slid down. His heart raced as he found himself screaming but,to scared to open his eyes. His screams echoed as he slid for a very long time. In fact he could have sworn he was sliding for two whole minutes, heart racing and screams echoing loudly the entire time. Eventually he felt his butt hit the ground hard.
He gulped as he sat there for a bit. Keith was to scared to make a noise or even open his eyes for a long time. So he just sat there in the dark in fear for a long time. Eventually he let curiosity get the best of him and he opened his eyes just a tiny bit. Ehh he did he found himself breathless.
Sitting there under a blue glowing shield was a red robot lion. The red lion from volition staring down at him while remaining motionless at the same time. His heart raced as he found himself on his feet walking towards the shield. Slowly he reached over touching the shield expecting to be blasted away or shocked. Instead the shield went down as the voice, the voice of the red lion, spoke up again.
"Welcome to your destiny red Palladian."

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