A few short words

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"Okay just explain it again please." Lotor begged. It was odd but, my god it was so confusing when Keith here tried to explain it again
"The lions voice spoke out to me an called my name.."
"...what kind of drugs have you been smoking?" Lotor asks slowly.
"I'm being serious!" Keith yelled banging is cuffed hands on the table.
Since he climbed out of the lion he had been locked in this damn room and was chained to the table like an animal. AN ANIMAL!! One be questioned about their entire life and decisions! And the worsts part was no one believed him when he said the truth! They all thought he was a crazy liar.
All they cared about was him having the lion. They were convinced a mindless Garla couldn't have been reach out to by a lion when they were weak enough to follow a insane women who killed their husband. For all they cared this was just a plot to kill them all. Which Keith couldn't see why this was the case. Especially since both he and this purple elf boy here were clearly half breeds that shared Garla DNA. So by that logic purple elf boy could have stabbed them too.
"Well why would the lion choose you then?!" Lotor yelled. "Why would the lion goose you, a captain of a squadron in the Garla empire? Why would it choose you over everyone else?"
"I don't know! I don't know damn it! It just spoke to me!" Keith yelled getting angry looking away. No one was listening. He could already hear the purpose elf go off on something, but let his voice fade into the background.
He shouldn't have drove the lion. He should have put a pillow over his head or found something else to do. Hell maybe he should have just jumped off a bridge for having thinking like a traitor more. At least then he wouldn't be locked in a room questioned before a probably death sentence.
Keith was brought out of his train of thought as someone rested their hand on his. He looked up seeing a god. Standing there was a boy with perfectly tanned skin with little freckles on his face that made his slightly circular cheeks pop out more. The boy had the kindest blue eyes he had ever seen with a sense of wonder in them. To put it simply Keith was looking at the goddess of beauty  in the flesh as a male.
A kind smile graced the male's lips.
"I believe you."
And with those simply words Keith fell in love.

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