A bonding Walking

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"We have been walking forever in these damn dark caves." Shiro groaned getting a bit agitated seeming upset as ever. Yet, who could blame him. He and Keith, who may he add he did not trust as far as he could throw him, with very little light.

"Really? I hardly noticed." Keith said as if it was a matter of fact making Shiro wonder if that was a bit of alien humor or he was being 100% serious.

"How could you not? I mean it's dark as fuck and our voices keep echoing." Shiro snapped. Yeah, he was done with this stupid idea. After all he was stuck here for so long he was near insanity. Plus Keith was very..quiet so it was like he was talking to himself this whole time with only a few sentences said to him every hour whilst he also stressed about Lotor babysitting his kids.

Yeah needless to say he hated it here and he hated this stupid plan.

He found himself kicking rocks as he walked. This was so stupid. Following a person who was known to work for the enemy into a cave where it would take days for backup to get to them. God, why did he agree to this. Why?!

"So....those kits are yours?" Keith asked trying to make small talk since walking in silence as this human raged was. This seem to him to not the best scenario..,....like at all. So he was going to take a page out 0of his younger sibling Pidge's book, and try to make some small talk.

"the what?"

"Those two boys. Are they your kids?" Keith asked. In turn he got nothing but silence for a minute. Odd silence.

"Yes they are..."

"Well they are very sweet boys...Very kind too."

"Really now?" Shiro asked. Was it just him or did Keith's ears stand up like an excited cat.

"Oh yes! They are very sweet to me." Keith smiled, his ears standing up like cats back on earth as his little tail twitched. Shiro found himself smiling.

"Good to know they have been treating you so nice. Usually the twins are a handful." Shiro admitted. Keith found himself calming down a bit as did Shiro. Maybe small talk did help people warm up to each other. Perhaps Keith should listen to Pidge's advice more often..not like he would ever admit that to them though.

They walked in an odd silence after for a while. One that somehow made Keith worried. He did not know why but, just seeing that faint smile on Shiro's lips had made him happy. Now that it was very faint, it made him feel antsy. Had he done something wrong with him? Maybe he should keep up tat small talk?

"Oh trust me you have not seen any handful until you meet my youngest brother." Keith said aloud.

"Really now?" Shiro asked slowly.

"Oh yeah he is a handful. He is the same age as your boys and does not like to keep his clothes on at all." Keith admitted. Shiro snorted looking away making Keith blush. He had a pretty laugh.

"That must be fun..." Shiro chuckled looking at him.

"Yeah right. Do you know how embarrassing it is to have your friends over one minute to have dinner, turn around for a second then have a naked toddler rush around yelling something about freedom and making a dash for the door to be one with nature because your younger siblings told him a life in nature is more fun then living in a city." Keith sighed making Shiro's laugh louder. In turn Keith's heart sped up. Man his laugh was prett-

Oh no.

Oh no. He had a crush on two people he was sworn to kill. He had a crush on two people fighting voltron. How could this get any worse now? Would his emotions spread to Lotor next? Was he going to wreck his plan to work with the rebellion to make a better life for his siblings? Would he be kicked out over his emotions?

All these thoughts swirled in his head until he found himself walking straight into Shiro's back. He almost fell over only to find a big muscularly hand holding him upmaking his heart race more. The two made eye contact only to look away.


"It's fine..just...Keith what colour Lion did you say was here?"

"Oh the yellow one. Why?" He asked only to have Shiro standing out of his way and point at a yellow lion stuck behind some rocks, taking his breath away. Somehow it seemed bigger than the red one and had less damage despite being near a mine.

"Yeah that's it..."Keith said walking forward only to be stopped.

"That's great, but wh are the people standing infront of it?"

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