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Y: hahahah 😂😭
Taley: so what did she say
Y: so Chanel dm'd me but I didn't see it so Charli told me and I'm going to be on a photo shoot with her promoting Chanel
Taley: no way cool
Derek: you so lucky
Y: can I tell y'all something
Taley: yes ofc
Y: I don't know if I'm bi or what..... I caught slight feelings for Cynthia
Derek: well guess what Cynthia and mattia are thinking of breaking up
Y: no I don't want to date her just yet I'm just saying shes beautiful and nice on the inside and out to break down what I'm saying is she has a nice personality
Derek: dang simp
Y: that's the thing I'm not going to simp for no one
Taley: oop period
Y: yea you know what I ain't no simp let's go to the mall and find someone
Taley: a bit too late for that
Y: what.... what time is it
Derek: it's 8 pm
Y: ok so let's go
Taley: babe.... you don't get it
Derek: it takes a while to find someone.... especially at the mall
Taley: by the time you find someone the mall will be closed
Y: ok then tomorrow
Derek: well I'm going back to my room I'm about to play cod
Taley: I'm going to go in my room and finish the TikTok's
Y: ok thanks guys
They left and I was lowkey thirsty so I went downstairs I walk slowly hearing mattia and Cynthia calmly arguing.
Tia: Cynthia I lowkey haven't been feeling you lately
Cyn: what why
Tia: I just lost feelings and I'm starting to catch feelings for someone else
Cyn: tbh I lost feelings also I think I caught feelings for devinity
☁️That hurt a little but at least we're going to the mall so I can find someone☁️
Tia: that's so cool you bi or just lesbian
Cyn: um for now I think I'm bi
Tia: cool so we good..... no hard feelings
Cyn: nope we will still be friends so yea we're good
Tia: cool
Then the stairs made a creaking noise. So I pretended that I was just coming down.
Cyn: we heard you yas
Tia: yea a bit obvious
Y: oh um I- I- I'm so-
Cyn: did you hear everything
Y: yes I'm so sorry for eavesdropping
Cyn: no it's cool
Y: well just so you don't feel alone I think I'm bi also and just to make it even more awkward I gained feelings for you so I'm going to the mall so I don't become a simp
Then Mattia laughs really loud like it was funny.
Y: what's so funny
Tia: not you gaining feelings for Cynthia
Cyn: yea and what about it
Tia: haha nothing
He then leans on the counter.
Y: well I'm getting water
Cyn&Tia: SO we dgaf
Y: y'all are funny 🙄😂
They laugh.
Y: y'all are perfect for each other
I kiss her on the lips and mattia on his forehead.
Y: bye oh wait where did Troy and my brothers go
Tia: they went to Alex and Diego's house
Y: oh
I walk up to my room and see Aya there.
Y: where have you been
Aya: oh I was in Derek and Kobe's room
Y: oh nice but guess what
Aya: what
Y: we are going to make a fort and have movie night
Aya: ok let me get the snacks
Y: I got them already when Troy first got here
Aya: ok then I'll get the covers and the couch pillows?
Y: yea oh actually I didn't get any drinks I'll go with you
Aya: ain't nobody doing it like us
Y: period 😌💅🏽

Time skip

So we went and got the stuff and made the fort.
Aya: look at this master piece
Y: yup now what movie are we watching
Aya: you know HORROR
Y: ooh Aya tomorrow after we go to the mall-
Aya: we're going to the mall?
Y: yea I was going to tell you tomorrow but like I'm bi but after the mall we should invite everyone into a fort and be in either the living room or movie room
Aya: omg congrats and genius
Y: yea thanks
Aya: ofc
Y: so what movie
Aya: ummmm..... Sinister
Y: bettt
(Btw they were watching it on the MacBook)

After a bit someone knocked on the door.
Aya&yas: ITS OPEN
Derek: *gasp* without me
Aya: tomorrow babe


A/n: hope I didn't take long

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