Dream: ⚠️TW:SMUT⚠️

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By the time I got there I immediately turn my location off.

The girls weren't there. It was just paint on the wall saying "just meditate". ☁️fuck this shit I'm calling them☁️
That's exactly what I did.
I called and they just told me meditate and hung up. I get texts from the gc.

☁️I didn't have the decency to focus so I'll just text the gc instead☁️

Cyn: don't worry babe we're not mad at you
Vani: yea it's literally just mattia
Hai: hey you gonna say something
Tal: bruh come on say something
Y: I'm fine I just got heated stay at the house I'm coming back
Dev: yes but why
Y: well I'm not just going to leave the candy there sitting for you guys to eat it
Deven: fuck she's on to us
Y: lol I'm on my way back

I was heading back but the girls came out and shook their heads at me in disappointment. I was going to come out but my friends are going to think something is wrong with me. Mattia then started spamming me like crazy. I didn't answer because I understand why he felt that way and I need to stop being so upset all the time.
By the time I get there mattia is just pacing in the living room.
Tia: omg Yasmine I'm so sorr-
Y: it's fine
☁️I'm going to creep him out by not being mad and just being the happiest person alive☁️
Tia: w-what you sur-
Y: yes it's really nothing wrong
Tia: you sur-
Y: yes
I walk upstairs and he grabs my wrists look in my eyes. For a second it was a moment but he snapped himself out of it and kept trying to read me. I break character and bust out laughing.
Tia: ok ok but do you really forgive me
Y: yes Mattia I forgive you
Tia: yay thanks bestie your baskets are in the movie room
Y: ok thanks babe
Tia: what
Y: you know how I call everyone babe 🙄
Tia: mhm ok 😏
I went to the movie room and got my snacks and decided to go chill with Derek and Kobe.

Y: hey guys
Kobe: hey
Derek: you ight bestie
Y: yes thank you
Derek: want to cuddle
Kobe: man why can't she never cuddle with me
Y: I'm cool with cuddling with both of you
Derek: what no-
Y: than let's find you a cuddle buddy I'm going to get Aya
Derek: fine 🙄
I went to go get her.
Y: Aya be Dereks cuddle buddy
Aya: ok
Tia: did I just hear we cuddling
Y: yes why
Tia: be my cuddle buddy
Y: what no I'm always your cuddle buddy
Tia: please 🥺
Y: no
We went upstairs to Kobe's room.
We at snacks and watched scary movies. ☁️Tbh Kobe was a good cuddler but I don't like him like that☁️ It was currently 2:56. So I decided to go meditate. Instead of the roof I'm going to the backyard since I'm such a child I need a baby sitter.

After about an hour I was definitely zoned out. So I couldn't hear anything or what was going on around me. I started hearing whispers. But thing is I couldn't come out. My eyes weren't budging. Then I fell into water of where I was at in my mind. I then saw the girls waving. Then I shot my eyes open to be in the pool with someone dragging me to the surface.
Tia: wtf Yasmine come on
Vani: omg wtf happened
I was coughing up water.
Y: who pushed me in
Tia: no one you fell in
Y: oh well thank you tia
I kissed his cheek.
Vani: 😨
Dev: 😏
Tia: no problem but I'm mad at you
Y: what why
Tia: can you guys give us some space
Aya: well it's not like she's not going to tell us after your done
Tia: well yea but I want some privacy
Dev: ugh fine
They left.
Y: so why are you mad at me
Tia: well you didn't give me cuddles
Y: oh do you want to cuddle right now in the movie room
Tia: yeth
Y: ew stop
Tia: or what
Y: .... idk
He starts tickling me.
Y: ok let's go
We watched movies and cuddled.

Time skip: 5 hours 9:32

I looked and he was sleep. I woke him up and walked him up to his room. I was about to get up and leave but mattia grabbed me wrist.
Tia: please don't leave
Y: ok
We both drifted off to sleep.

Mattia pov:
Yasmine and I were watching movies when she was sitting on my lap I got horny by just thinking about her. So I had a lump in my pants. Since Yasmine was on my lap she felt it. She turned around and smirked at me.

⚠️TW: SMUT⚠️( kind of)
Tia: what
Y: you need help with that
Tia: with what
I tried to not to make it obvious.
But then she just smashed her lips on mine. Of course I didn't reject it I kissed her back. She was unbuckling my pants. When she got them to my ankles she spit on it and was jerking it. Then she instantly deep throated it. I was breathing heavy to keep my groans in. Then she got up and started taking her pants off and alined herself with my dick. She then started riding me and wow she was doing well. But then she started shaking me and telling me to wake up.

I woke up to Yasmine shaking me.
Y: wake up
Y: what dream were you having
Tia: uhhh nothing get out
Y: what? What did I do-
Tia: JUST get out
Y: whatever
☁️holy shit I don't know what to do after that. That's very embarrassing. I don't want to be awkward around her. But I also don't want to tell her about the dream. I had a whole ass fucking dream of Yasmine and I having great sex. Fuck why did she wake me up☁️


A/n: yup next chapter I think he is going to ask her out

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