Please 🥺⁉️

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I texted my aunt.

Y:Aunt Giselle can I tell you something?                             
G:ofc go ahead
Y:I got tiktok famous yesterday and went viral on two of my videos. I checked my cash app and PayPal today and I had 3 million dollars put together.
G:ok I'm happy for you but your point is ⁉️🙃🤨
Y:my friends live in nj and they said if I can live with them just the three of us please
G: idk I'll have to think about it it's 50 50 right now
Y: yay ok tysm and also where did you guys go anyway🤨
G: oh the boys went to do erins for me and I'm at work doing paperwork but ill be home in 10
Y: oh ok thanks 😊
G: np ly
Y: lyt

After I texted my aunt I looked at the time and it was 12 but then I told the girls.

D: omg I hope she says yes
A: yea
Y: well do you guys want to stay on FaceTime while I clean the house orrrr
D: I kind of have to go bc my mom is here
A: and I have to go to this collab with charli I hope she's nice like she is on social media
Y: omg she commented on one of my posts she seemed nice
A: yea well I gtg so byeeeee
D: byeeee beaches 😂
Y: haha ok bye 😂🤭

We lasted an hour on FaceTime so it was 1:30 something.

When I finished the house it was 1 and my aunt was back an hour ago, so I went upstairs and asked if she made a decision.
Y: sooooo did you make a decision yet
G: actually yes
Y: so ⁉️ ☁️ I am too excited lol ☁️
G: I decided to let you go if your brothers go also
Y: what
G: they don't have to live with you but they have to be in nj due to the fact they are also tiktok famous
Y: oh tysm ilysm
G: ilyt when are you guys leaving
Y: idk let me check

You asked the girls and they said tomorrow through the week will be best due to all the collabs coming.

Y: tomorrow through this week would be best because they are collabing with lots of people
G: ok do you want me to book a flight
Y: yes please tysm I appreciate you supporting what I do
G: don't worry about it
The boys walked in as we were talking so I told them they were coming so I told them to pack.


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