Not in the house

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I wave back.
Y: alright I have to go
M: where do you have to go
Y: I have to be inside with my friends
M: what about me
Y: we're..... cool
M: wait I thou-
I cut him off by hanging up on him. I look at him and he has his arms up like he was asking why I did that. I call him back.
M: why did you do that
Y: I was just playing geez
M: now I thought we were friends
Y: again I was playing 🙄
M: oh well get back to your friends
Y: ok bye
M: bye
I hung up and went back to the house and went to devs room to see Diego still live, Devyn doing TikTok's with Talyeh Avani Diego and Kevin. Alex and everyone one else was just playing the game and paying attention to the live. I come in and sit down on the bed.
Y: heyyyyy
We hug
Then out of nowhere Devyn and Avani pull me out of the room.
Y: wtf are you guys doing
D: we were thinking of an idea
Y: ok?
A: well we were thinking if we get a house for all of us and make us a house name
Y: that's a great idea but we need a new house don't we
D: yea sad part but good thing is we all get money weekly and you and vani get sponsors like every month
A: yea and what she's trying to say is if we get a mansion with about 14 bedrooms we can split the rent
Y: ok great have you told them about it
A: not yet
Y: let's tell them
D: ok but in the morning cuz I am tired
A: same
We went back in and I looked at my phone and it was 12:56. I said goodnight to everyone and went to my room. I put some music on and went to sleep straight away.

Next morning

I wake up undisturbed surprisingly. I checked the time and it was 10:31. I walk downstairs and no one is down here. I assume everyone is sleep. I went back upstairs to see if the boys stayed. I looked in Talyeh's room first then went to Devyn's room then Avani then Hazel then Dede then Aiyana then Hailey so all the boys were gone.( all the girls were sleep) So then I took a shower and put on a bikini.

I wanted to sit at the beach for a little

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I wanted to sit at the beach for a little. I sat down on the sand and watched my surroundings. If I payed enough attention I would see dolphins here and there. 2 hours later I hear my name being called.

Paradise pov
I wake up and check all the girls rooms because why not. Everyone was sleep but when I checked Yasmines room she wasn't there. I shrugged it off and check the time it was 1
☁️damn these girls sleep long☁️
I went to the kitchen and no sign of her I decided to call her. No answer. I call again. No answer . I start to panic then I woke up the girls. They tried to call her and we heard her phone ring. Her phone was in her bathroom on the counter. Then we called the boys.
Dede: she's not in the house
Dev: can you guys help us please find her
Der: oh hell no come on we finna find her
Yana: ok thanks
Vani: we'll look at restaurants and you guys look at the beach
Tia: damn it
Then he hangs up from the call
Dede: omg here we go again


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