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Mattia pov
Cynthia was right. Here goes Yasmine being the center of attention. Of course I'm going to look for her she's still a human being I care about.
Tia: Cynthia I'm going to the beach
Cyn: yay let's go
Tia: no it's a surprise for you don't come
Cyn: ok even better oh and by the way while your out there I'm going to devenity
She kissed me.
I went out to look at the beach. The boys and I met up and yelled her name.

Yasmine pov:
I heard people calling my name. I looked and seen the boys looking around for me. I run up to them in worry.
Y: hey what's going on are you guys ok
Tia: yea we're fine what about you
Alex: you've been gone all morning
Di: and you left your phone on the counter in the bathroom so we thought something happened to you
(He gave you back your phone)
Y: well I'm sorr-
Tia: don't be sorry just don't do it again because it seems to me you did this on purpose
Kio: that's what I'm saying
Val: I'm with them
Mike: same
Kev: ok you guys are going too far
De: yeah don't come for my best friend like that
Y: look I don't know what's going on but I did NOT do this on purpose
Val tried giving me a hug but I quickly push him off.
Y: nah don't touch me ...because you feel bad you want to hug me that doesn't add up
Mike: we're sorr-
Y: nah save it because everything I do I get judged by everyone and everything! I TRY TO BE NORMAL BUT I CAN'T.... because guess what I'm judged and now it's not going away with fame and all this other stuff
I call the girls and tell them I'm safe. I walk back to the house and I go to my room. I close the door and lock it. I get my anxiety pen and hit it then pulled out my sketchbook and started to do a zen thing. ☁️This is why I can't be around people☁️ I heard a knock on the door.
Y: who is it
T: it's me sis
I got up and opened the door.
Y: hey
T: hey
I closed the door behind her.
T: so why did you leave
Y: I wanted to get fresh air....I've been around people a lot lately and I can't take it. You would think I would get over the phobia but I can't do it.... this is the reason I don't like to be around people.... they judge.... don't get me wrong I don't care what they think it's just they constantly keep judging and judging. I needed the air because I feel like I'm breathing someone else's breath and that's not pleasant. I like being alone it's calming. I can think of things I never do on a daily bases like an eye with mushroom eyelashes or an eyeball with a trident stuck into it. I like it that way
T: thank you for opening up to me but I feel the same way.. except for the judging part 😂
Y: yea...... do you mind like- never mind
T: no what is it
Y: no it's cool I'll get it but can you tell everyone that I'm going to target I need some more sharpies and pencils
T: ok
I called an Uber and waited until it got here.

I grabbed some clothes and put this on.

I went downstairs to see literally everyone sitting down on the couch

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I went downstairs to see literally everyone sitting down on the couch. Even mattia. When I came down everyone starred at me. I stopped in my tracks and looked up then looked at them. I pulled my phone out and took a picture of me.
Y: I'll send it to you guys don't worry
Then I kept walking towards the door.
Alex: where are you going
Y: I'm going to target
Alex: oh well have fun
Y: thank you


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