The shoes

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Kobe pov:
We were getting in our van
Kobe: so why did they sleep in the pool
Ale: mattia and I got into an argument and was loud and the girls could hear us then they told us to stfu then went back and we were loud AGAIN and then they threw water on us then we were yelling AGAIN and then they must've came in the pool
Vani&dev: as they should
Taley: y'all I need some led lights
Yana: same

Yasmine pov:
Once we were done shopping we went back home. Aya opened the door and went to the movie room.
Y: so I wanna watch a horror movie wbu
Aya: same
Y: great now on Netflix right
Aya: ofc
Y: let's watch the prodigy
Aya: bet I heard it was good
Y: ok I'll be back I'm getting snacks from the snack bar
Aya: ok
While I was getting the snacks I get a notification from instagram. I check and it was Dylan.
Dylan: hey guess what
Y: what
Dylan: I got a new job and I moved
Y: oh what and where is it
Dylan: well I moved to New York because I like to explore and it's the closest thing next to you and I work for foot locker I am a delivery guy 😬
Y: that's so cool I just ordered for some shoes at foot locker so hopefully it's you and you moved to New York just to be closer to me??🥺😁
Dylan: ofc
Y: so what shoes are you shipping are they ones??
Dylan: yes
Y: New Jersey
D: yes
Y: yup that's me

Aya: hey you coming
Y: oh yea sorry

Y: yay but sorry I'm watching a movie with Aya
Dylan: oh no it's fine have fun

I went to sit down forgetting my phone was on the counter.

Aya: who were you talking to
Y: Dylan
Aya: you like him don't you
Y: he's nice
Aya: that's what you said last time
Y: yea ok let's get to the movie
Aya: lol I'm so annoying 😭😂
I kissed her forehead. ☁️oh boy I hope I'm bi☁️

Time skip

We watched more horror movies and our friends joined us. At this moment Avani was near the snack bar getting more snacks.

Avani pov:
I was getting more snacks because later on I'm going to regret not eating any seconds of popcorn and Reese's. I then feel a buzz on the counter and the girls and I know each other's passwords so I open it and see it was a boy saying our house was abnormally big for a 17 year old.
Vani: yo yas who is this
I held up the phone.
Y: oh my shoes are here
Vani: so you have the delivery guys insta
Y: no we met in Florida and he was really chill and we spoke and vibes with each other. Now I'm ordering shoes and-
Vani: and he moved to New York to be closer to you 😏
Y: yup let me open the gate
☁️she can pull anyone☁️

Yasmine pov:
I open the gate and start walking out. He pulls in and hops out to get the shoes.
Y: hey Dylan
I hug him.
Dylan: wassup it's been a while
Y: it's only been some weeks
Dylan: well I'm missed your company
Y: that's nice to know.... so where's the shoes
Dylan: it'a called patience
Y: oh haha I see you
Dylan: I'm kidding but want to meet my brother
Y: oh yea sure
Troy: ok
He walks out. They look nothing alike but I know him from somewhere.
Troy: oh shit your Yasmine
Y: how do you know me
Troy: tiktok and my brother talks about you ALL the ti-
Dylan: he was just saying that he sees you all the time on his fyp
Y: nice to know what's your tiktok Troy
Troy: it's @zarbruh
Y: oh you follow me
Troy: yea so follow me back it's been a month and be more active
Y: I'll try
Dylan: here's your shoes
Y: thanks but Troy want to meet my brothers
Troy: Alex and Diego??
Y: yes they're also tiktok famous
Troy: yea Dylan go deliver the rest of the shoes and come back oh and quit the job I'm buying us a house out here
Dylan: alright then see ya
Troy: bye I'll get an Uber to New York and be looking for the house
Dylan: thanks big brother
Troy: don't get soft
Y: bye Dylan
Dylan: bye
He came over and gave me a hug.
When I turn around I see everyone outside. Then everyone says....
Everyone: who's that


A/n: sorry it took so long I was on vacation.

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