TW:rape/abusive actions

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Time skip: in the car 7:49

Yasmine pov:

(Mattia was in the passenger seat of the van. I'll show the van. Also Devyn Hailey Ayiana Paradise and Avani took the car)

 Also Devyn Hailey Ayiana Paradise and Avani took the car)

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So like I was ignoring Mattia.
Tia: why are you ignoring me
Y: ...
Tia: bruh Aya why is she ignoring me.... did I do something wrong
Aya: .....
Aya gets her phone out and makes a gc with all the girls. Girls as in: Devyn Hailey Ayiana Hazel Paradise Aya Talyeh Cynthia Devenity

Gc Texts:
Aya: guys so like Mattia lied and said Alvaro Robert and Roshaun was coming to the party so Yasmine would come and now we are going to ignore him
Vani: periodt as we should 💅🏽
Tal: find you a girl or boy most likely a boy so Mattia can be jealous
Y: what would he be jealous of tho lol 😅
Dev: obviously because someone is trying with you duh 🙄
Y: what are you guys trying to say
Hai: he likes you 🙄😭
Y: he doesn't
Aya: again you guys are just having a hard time getting together
Yana: she do be right tho 👀
Y: ehh whatever you
*Texts over*

I just layed back and was on my phone scrolling through tiktok. After a while Mattia turned around and we were at the party.

Mattia pov:

I don't know why she's mad at me. Like no clue. I hope she didn't find out I lied. I omg I hope she didn't. If she did I'm dead. And then along with that I lowkey forced her by lying knowing she had social anxiety. ☁️should I tell her..... nah she probably doesn't know☁️
We walk in the party to see smoke everywhere but thankfully we didn't smell alcohol. Before the party we all discussed our party partners to watch over. But there's no alcohol to spike someone's drink so..... how bad can it be. 🤷🏻
Tia: yo Kairi I'm going to go find some girls
Kai: wait no br-
Tia: ight bro bye
I walked off not hearing Kairi. 

Yasmine pov:
I went outside and just was in my phone ignoring everyone with Talyeh doing the same.
Tal: hey yas should I post tonight tomorrow or Monday
Y: tomorrow
Tal: ok great so I have time tonight to schedule my plans
Y: what plans you got
Tal: well I have to make my time lapse of a video I have to clean the room with Mike then I have to look for a art colleg-
Y: your thinking of going to college
Tal: yea
Y: oh cool
Tal: but online
Y: ohhhh there it is
Tal: hahahahhaa
Then this boy came over to us.
??: hey what are y'all doing here not partying
Y: ....
Tal: uh- well who did you come here for
??: her
Points to me.
Y: no names??
Josh: oh my names Joshua
Tal: I'm Talyeh and I'm going to leave you 2 alone
She winks at me and whispers in my ear.
Tal: remember the plan
I nod
Josh: no names?? 😏
Y: funny but my names Yasmine
Josh: nice who are you friends with to be at this party
Y: Alejandro
Josh: oh yea he's cool
Y: yea
Josh: so why are you sitting out here looking bored
Y: because I was lied to to get her (it's not a typo)
Josh: oh sucks.... but since this is me friends house and I live here want to come to my room and play games
Y: um is it going to be a lot of people in your room
Josh: nope just.... us
Woah why did he say it so creepily.
Y: um ok
He bring me to his room. For some reason he locked the door.

⚠️TW: abusive actions⚠️
Y: why'd you lock the door
Josh: cmon you didn't really think we were coming here to play games
Y: uh yea what else
Josh: well guess what we are
Y: oh
Josh: take your clothes off
Y: w-what no
I started crying while he was slowly taking my clothes off like he was really enjoying the moment. ☁️I have to do something☁️
So I screamed and ran to the door trying to unlock it but he pulled me back before I could go anywhere due to the fact the house was full. Then I heard a bang on the door while Joshua was covering my mouth while trying to slipping his fingers in me.
??: he is everything ok in there
Josh: yea we're ok
I bit finger and yelled.
⚠️TW over⚠️

Then the person bussed down the door to see me naked.
??: yo wth
He jumps on josh while I cry and put in my dress slowly sue to the fact I'm weak. ☁️I am shaking of fear..... and voices are speaking to me like wtf☁️
When the person was done he came over to me and hugged me and picked me up and asked me if I came with friends.
Y: yea I came with friends
??: ok well what's your name
Y: um it's Yasmine you??
Juane: dejuane
Y: I see one of them over there at the couch
I start to tear up and hug him some more.
Juane: hey it's ok at least he wasn't able to do anything or did he
Y: no he just put his fingers in
Juane: ok well whic-
Kev: yo wtf happened to you why were you crying
I didn't feel like talking to anyone but Dejuane.
Juane: um well so this josh dude took her to a room and he tried raping her.
Kev: bro where the boys at we finna jump him
Y: no it's fine juane already handled it
Kev: ok well we finna go if you don't want to tell anyone that's fine I won't tell either
Y: do whatever you want Kevin
Juane: well I'm going to go confront some other people ok
He kissed my forehead.
Juane: be safe ight
Y: thanks Dejuane I'm glad you were there I owe you 1
Kev: same bruh
Juane: nah bruh I was just doing what came to mind ight so chill but I'll se y'all later and I follow y'all on tiktok already
Y: ok I'll find you bye
Kev: bye
Y: Kevin can you pick me up
Kev: ofc let's go to the car

Time skip: at the house

Kevin picked me up and took me to my room and I just lied down on my phone.

Mattia pov:
It's official I have feelings for her again l. We've been getting close lately until this party thing. All the girls been ignoring me since we left the house
When we left I seen Yasmine and Kev already in the car. ☁️sus☁️
It looked like Yasmine had been crying I asked her what was wrong and she wasn't answering me she just looked away and started tearing up. ☁️did I do this☁️
Tia: yo Kevin what's wrong with Yasmine
Kev: I'll tell y'all when we arrive at the house
Tia: ight
I just sat back and hugged Yasmine but she pushed me off of her.

When we arrived it was 10:08. I sat in the living room looking at Kevin holding Yasmine up to her room.
He came back down with everyone down in the living room.
Kev: so mattia what did you do before the party because she was ignoring you... as a matter of fact all the girls were ignoring you so what did you do
Tia: nothing
All the girls looked at me like I lied
Tia: fine I may have lied and said roshaun Robert and Alvaro was coming to the party... it was the only way for her to go
Kev: ok well since you lied and said that.... a boy invited her to his room and tried to rape her
Tia: wtf
Tal: omg it was Joshua
Kev: huh
Tal: Joshua invited her to the room I thought they were going to do the bang bang but she didn't want that so he tried to rape her
Tal: listen I didn't know he was going to do that. I was sitting next to the pool and still listening to the conversation. He said they were going to play games in his room. So then I just thought they were going to play games.
Tia: great this is all your fault if you hadn't thought clearly she wouldn't have been in this mess.... next time connect the dots... it's a teenage party with horny guy-
They all left upstairs.
☁️I officially feel bad☁️
Tia: wait.... did she know
Deven: yes Mattia she did know
Derek: bro that was mad low
Kev: yea you were lucky Dejuane was there before he could do anything else
Tia: wdym Dejuane.... as in that tiktok light skin boy with curly hair that's dances or whatever
Kev: yea
Tia: what did he do
Kev: idk man he just came up to me while holding her
Tia: oh
Mike: you need to set up a plan saying sorry to her
Val: yea cuz not only you lying to her knowing she has social anxiety... she almost got raped
Tia: yes I know don't remind me
Kobe: do something bro
They all left me there.
☁️they're right I have to do something☁️


A/n: yay I finished all of this finally sorry for the hold up

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