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(Let me know if there is something wrong with the music 👍🏽)

Yasmine pov:
When I was on my way back to the house, I got calls from Avani. I just sighed and texted her I'm on my way. She said to hurry because we needed to discuss what happened if we're going to be living in the same house as them.

Time skip about 10 minutes

I made it back with everyone sitting on the couches. But Mattia wasn't here. I ran upstairs and put my skateboard up and came back down. I was happy and smiley when I was back.
Vani: you seem happy
Y: yea
Dev: what's that about
Y: I got some air and I was alone so it was perfect and I'm tired of this house. Are you guys tired of your house because I'm ready to go home. Hey where's my anxiety pen? Have y'all seen it, eh it doesn't matter now. I'm tired I'm going to be-( ranting)
Diego: ok that's enough of your ranting child
Y: ok so talk please I'm tried
A: ok so raise your hand if you thought Yasmine was attention seeking obviously Mattia does
Hailey Aiyana Paradise Mattia Mike Vallyk Kio Kairi and Robert raised there hands.
Y: wow I see y'all nah but it's coo I'm going to bed now so if you excuse
Alex: no we're talking about this tonight
I sat back down next to Alex.
Alex: speak how you feel sis
Y: ight bet.... so I feel like I can understand why y'all feel that way because y'all barely know me and most of y'all have been friends with mattia and Cynthia for a long time so I understand where your coming from. BUT it still doesn't give you a reason to judge me. Since you barely know me you can't have an opinion on me. As you know I have social anxiety. So I feel like when I'm around a lot of people I feel like you guys are closing me in. I'm definitely angry at you all so don't try it with me ok. That's all good night.
Kio: wait-
Then we hear a knock.
Y: I'll get it
I open it to Cynthia and the girl I seen from target.
I close it in there faces. Then they bang in the door.
Y: what the hell do you want!?
Cyn: I want to see why my boyfriend came back angry!
Y: whatever who are you your pretty
Devin: thanks I'm Devin and I'm friends with Cynthia so you won't like me soon
Y: oh yea like I didn't notice 🙄
Cyn: so are you going to let us in
Y: actually can I speak to you outside
Cyn: whatever helps you 🙄
We walk out and I close the door behind me.
Devin: ok what
Y: well so what happen was Cynthia told Mattia that I was always the center of attention and I went to be alone and this happened.
Cyn: ok so he's mad because you went on a walk
Y: I wanted to be alone and thanks to you he thinks I did it for attention. They thought something happened to me. And most of everyone turned on me.
Cyn: oh so everyone is being fake little bitches aren't they
Y: haha not fake but you know I what I mean
We all were laughing.
Devin: oh well look at us getting along
Y: yeah Cynthia your not as bad as I thought you were probably trying to keep Mattia away from me
Cyn: yea but I'm sorry for saying those things about you
Y: no your fine you guys want to come in and sleep over you can sleep in my room
Devin: I'm in
Cyn: yesss
I walk in with a smiley face. Everyone looks at us with a confused face.
Kai: wtf are they doing here 😡( Everyone thinks she is toxic so they don't like her)
Y: we're going to bed 🙄
Val: so your buddy with them now 😡
Y: no they're just sleeping over..... stfu (sarcasm)
Dev: alright night babe
Vani: night
Y: night
I wore this to bed.

I know we're at a beach right now but since we are at a beach they made the house extra cold so we won't burn

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I know we're at a beach right now but since we are at a beach they made the house extra cold so we won't burn.
Y: sorry for them and here are some more sweats and sweaters
Cyn: your totally fine and thanks
Devin: thanks
They went and changed into these.

 Y: sorry for them and here are some more sweats and sweatersCyn: your totally fine and thanksDevin: thanksThey went and changed into these

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Y: alright come in bed with me cause I'm like that but are we friends
Cyn: why wouldn't we be
Devin: yeah?
Y: oh I was just checking and are you guys used to girls kissing your lips or cheek
Dev: yup
Cyn: nope
Y: well get use to it Cynthia because I do that a lot
I kiss Devin's lips and Cynthia's cheek.
Cyn: why cheek
Y: oh ok
I pecked her lips
Y: better??
Cyn: yea night
Y: night
Devin: night
Then we went to sleep at like 1 am.


A/n: better? This one is kind of long. Again, let me know if something is wrong with the music.

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