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I got inside the Uber and sat in the back. It was now 5 something.
Uber: so what's your name
Y: my names Yasmine yours?
Uber: Dylan
Y: nice to meet you Dylan
Dylan: how was your day
Y: um... it wasn't the best
Dylan: why is that
I told him the whole thing that happened and he just drove and listened. ☁️I feel like he is a good listener duh.☁️
Dylan: well good news is your here
Y: thank you so much
Dylan: no problem I'll just wait here
Y: I won't take long
I went in and seen Cynthia with this pretty girl. I tried to avoid her and I succeeded. I got my sharpies and pencils and was out of there. Of course I payed. I got back into the Uber car and sat in the front this time.
Y: sorry I took long
Dylan: the you literally didn't take time
Y: really I feel like I took long
Dylan: no not at all I'm the Uber driver it's my job
Y: thanks..... so how old are you
Dylan: oh I'm 17 about to turn 18
Y: I turn 18 next year (I changed it your 17) but my brother turns 18 this year maybe you guys can hang out
Dylan: nah I'm good I'm just an Uber driver
Y: if you are just an Uber driver your definitely the best
Dylan: thanks
Y: hey you got a girlfriend
Dylan: nah I'm single
Y: same
Dylan: why do you ask
Y: just asking because you know sometimes they might be toxic y'know
Dylan: yeah I get it
Y: yea
Dylan: hey your really pretty
Y: so are you
Dylan: ....
Y: oh sorry 😐
Dylan: nah your fine I'm just playing with you
Y: oh yea sorry
Dylan: you keep to yourself don't you
Y: it's that obvious
Dylan: the way you apologize so much gives me hints
Y: yea I have anxiety and social anxiety I may just have anxiety period and socializing is a phobia for me
Dylan: I'll tell you something I have anxiety too... I have an anxiety pen that calms me. I used to have social anxiety too but I got over it by Uber driving
Y: you don't understand... I've been to parties, events , and I live with a couple of teenag-
Dylan: you'll get through it and what events
Y: I'm famous and why did you cut me off
Dylan: because you started ranting
Y: whatever
Dylan: well you're here
Y: thanks and follow my insta so we can keep in touch (we're changing her @)
Dylan: ok what is it
Y: @.yas
Dylan: that is too simple but ok
Y: whatever I'll see you later
Dylan: bye
I walked in the house and seen everyone was gone.
I sighed in relief. I went upstairs and went to my room and sat on my bed.☁️should I go to the skate
park.... yea☁️
I went to Talyeh room and she wasn't in there. Then I went to Avani room and all the girls were in there just sleeping. I just wrote a note for them.

Dear girls,
I went to the skatepark. There's nothing else for me to say except that I'm going somewhere. Bye.

Then I put the note on the desk that came with the room. Then I grabbed my skateboard and was on my way to the skatepark.

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