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Yasmine pov:
Bruh it's been a whole week and Mattia still hasn't spoke to me. But I obviously still take showers. I don't know what I did but I've been trying to find out by asking everyone about it but they did also didn't know so I just kept trying. But.... nothing.

Time skip: 1 week

He's still fucking ignoring me. For what I don't fucking know. I've just stayed in my room for a whole week. My friends have tried getting me out but I never budge.
Aya: hey Dylan and Troy are coming over
Y: ok thanks
Aya: hey if you want to come out to say hi and come back that would be great and please eat
Y: babe I eat
Aya: you don't
Y: at least I don't cut
Aya: yea
Then Talyeh came in.
Tal: hey sis
Y: hey
Tal: I'm going to cut to the chase
Y: yes
Tal: well I need you to eat
Y: why
Tal: because you haven't ate in weeks
Y: correction 1 week
Tal: whatever you still need to eat
Y: ok well um go to a ramen food place and get me spicy ramen go to Walmart and get lots of Gatorade's and cut up fruits and a mini fridge
Tal: done
Y: your serious... bet
☁️that just lightened my mood☁️
Dy: hey
Y: hey
Dy: you doing ok
Y: I'm better now mind taking me downstairs to your brother and say hi
Dy: no problem
He took me downstairs.
We hugged and he whispered in my ear.
Troy: are you eating
Y: I'm eating today
Troy: good your like a sister to me
Y: good your like a brother to me so we're even
Troy: great
He chuckled in my ear still hugging me.
Dy: Tell us what happened upstairs ok
Y: ok
I took them upstairs and I told them.
Troy: damn I wonder who was in that dream
Dy: yea maybe he's embarrassed
Y: yea maybe
Y: listen I'm about to go to target
Dy: ok
Troy: ok
☁️I actually wasn't I was going to the cave☁️

Time skip: cave

Y: um hey
Lai: hey.... that's it
Des: after 2 weeks
Rave: yea did we freak you out with the drowning thing
Y: what you guys did that
Des: yes didn't you see us waving at you
Y: yea
Lai: let's not forget that you ghosted us
Y: I'm sorry I was going through a tough time
Rave: that's the time when you come to us
Y: well I didn't know I just came here to check on you guys since I was in a better mood today
Des: ok thanks coke back later ok
Y: ok
Lai: byeee
Rave: bye

Ayiana pov:
I have an idea since Mattia and Yasmine are arguing I'm going to do some plotting.
Ana: hey guys come down to the movie room
Tia: why the movie room
Ana: not you
Tia: why not me
Ana: because it's for you and I don't want you to hear it
Tia: bet
After a while we were all in the movie room except Mattia and Yasmine.
Ana: so guys you know how Mattia and Yasmine are arguing
Derek: yea
Ana: well I was thinking we should make a plan to make them stay at home for some minutes to make up
Vani: how will we know that they made up
Ana: I haven't thought of that part yet
Dede: ok then let's just hope for the best
Kev: so where are we going to go while they try to make up
Ana: to go eat something maybe and go to Walmart and have fun
Tal: bet

Yasmine pov:

Time skip: back at the house

There was no one there. So I went upstairs and checked the rooms then I came back down to check the downstairs rooms but I seen a door closed and knocked on it.
Tia: come in
Y: where is everyone
Tia: uh the- they're doing something for me
Y: oh ok can we talk
Tia: um no
Y: why
He got up and opened the door back and raised his hand to show me I can leave
Tia: good bye
I stepped closer to him to where our chests weRe inches away from each other.
Then before I knew it he smashes his lips onto mine. I was enjoying it but I snapped out of it and focused on reality.
Y: n-no Mattia you can't just do that
Tia: why not
Y: because 1. you probably don't even think of me like that 2. you probably only did it because I was yelling at you 3. I am not even all th-
Tia: stop... I do think of you that way your just very blind to see it

Mattia pov:
☁️this might lead to me telling her☁️
Y: then why have you been avoiding me for the past 2 weeks
Tia: uh I don't feel like talking about it
Y: w-what that doesn't make sen-
Tia: listen I DON'T want to talk about it
I sat her down in my bed.
Tia: listen if I tell you will we be alright... like we won't be awkward and ignoring each other
Y: yes, yes ofc
Tia: ok so the day we went to the movie room and took a nap there and you took me to my room do you remember that
Y: yea
Tia: did you feel anything
Y: what do you mean your making absolutely no sense
Tia: like in my sweats I was wearing
Y: holy- yea I did
Tia: well I was having a dream about us
Y: what-
Tia: let me finish.... I was having a dream about us having...... sex
Y: uh- um what
Tia: ha ha yea I'm sorry you were just laying on my di-
She kisses me.
Y: Mattia it's fine
Tia: d-do you feel the same way
Y: does this answer your question (cringe)
She got on top of my lap and we had a make out session. But I pulled away.
Y: I-is there something wrong if you d-didn't like it you could have told me I-I-
Tia: no I was about to say our friends are back
Y: oh well what does this make us
Tia: we're taking things slow
Y: great answer
She kissed my cheek then left.


A/n: fast right yup I felt bad for making all those chapters making y'all wait sorry lol

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