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Hailey pov:
I woke up first and was a little hungry so I went downstairs to the kitchen to grab an apple but there was a note. I read it, grabbed my apple and went to my room.

Yasmine pov:
I was at the skatepark and was just skating like someone normal. It wasn't a lot of people there because well it's Florida and it's 8 at night. I was on my way back to the house going through the park when I bumped into someone and my skateboard dropped.
Y: damn it
??: sorry for that I didn't mean to
Y: nah your cool it was my fault
??: it's cool but my name is Aya
Y: oh baddie?? I could have swore I seen you on tiktok
Aya: oh shit I'm talking to Yasmine?? 🤭
Y: your the one who had a glow up at a young age right?? btw how old are you now?
Aya: oh I'm 16 now and yes I am the person who had a glow up at a young age I'm turning 17 this year though
Y: nice well I'll follow you on tiktok and instagram. Btw I don't live out here I live in New Jersey. And why didn't you go to creators live ??
Aya: oh because my mom didn't really like that mattia dude and I don't live here either because I already booked my flight before I asked my mom so I'm here just for a break
Y: hahaha ok well also tell your mom he's nice and he's like an older brother annoying and sneaky
Aya: ok I will I'll see you around
Y: alright bye
Aya: bye

Paradise pov:
I did feel like Yasmine was attention seeking because I barely know her and that was a weird move. I woke up and saw her note and just shrugged.

Hailey pov:
I felt like she did by choice and didn't feel bad because she didn't even think to say anything about it when she came down the stairs.

Aiyana pov:
That girl is weird even though I barely know her l, I know mattia more than anyone here other than Hailey. And I know Mattia wouldn't call anyone out of their name unless he's being for real or controlled.


A/n: sorry I would go longer but you've been waiting a bit for this. I got my chapters mixed and had to redo this one sorry. But this is the people who is against you/Yasmine. ( Hailey Aiyana Paradise Mattia Mike Vallyk Kio Kairi Robert)

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