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Mattia pov:
I didn't respond to Yasmine because I was angry and I was about to laugh but it wasn't funny so I turned around. I'm still a jerk.

Yasmine pov:
I wake up to devyn shaking me.
Y: what
D: get up
Y: ok fine
We were off the plane and avani and dev has not gotten off of there phone. I asked them why and they just walked off so I got an Uber and didn't go with them. If I'm not wanted by half the people there I'm not going to force them to be near me. I got the Uber while getting my suitcase. I got it and walked out.
Kai: hey where are you going
Y: I got a Uber
Ale: why
Y: because I'm not wanted by any of those people over there so I'm going
Kai: oh well we'll see you there
Y: bye
Wow the girls didn't even care. Welp I had fake friends. Now I gotta cut them off. I went to McDonald's and got me and the boys some chicken nuggets and burgers and fries and stuff. I got to the hotel and paid the Uber driver. I walked in and went straight to the closet to put my clothes in. I walked back and seen taleyah. I ran and jumped in her arms. Then I noticed she was holding a paper.
Y: what is this
T: look
I looked and it said we were twins we were just seperated due to our parents dying. I hugged her we just hugged for about 10 minutes.
Y: taley can I talk to you in private
T: sure
We walk outside the hotel room.
T: what's up
Y: the girls were ignoring me when we got off the flight they were just so into there phones.
T: oh they were planning with me trying to get me here
Y: oh that's cool
We went back in to everyone eating the food.
Y: I guess I'll just order some pizza and wings
T: get me wings Buffalo please
Y: no problem
D: sorry for ignoring you we knew you would do that so it was the perfect plan
A: yea sorry baby
Y: it's fine I love it
Someone FaceTimes. It was Diego.
Y: hey Diego what's up
Di: we're off tour we are going to creators live
Y: ok where's Alex
Di: right here
Y: oh well guess what
Diego and alex: what
Y: taleyah is my twin
Di: let's goooo I knew it
Al: bro that's awesome is she there
T: yes I am
Al: hey so I'm your brother
Di: and I'm also your brother
T: ok cool well I'll see you guys soon
Diego and alex: byeee
Y: bye
T: yas I want you to meet some of my friends at creators live
Y: well who are they
T: they call themselves the hoodie boys but it's just Mike Derek and Vallyk
M: oh I know them
T: oh that's cool 🙄 *sarcasm*
M: what did I do
T: me and yas tell each other everything that's all you need to know
M: fine
Y: ok well you want to FaceTime them right now or no
T: yea I kind of have this thing with mike we aren't dating or talking we are just really good friends
Y: ok that's fine. Well can I go on a walk by myself please
T: anxiety and depression
Y: yea
T: yea that's totally fine when you get back we're going to FaceTime them ok
Y: ok
I left and I just cried and cried and cried the pizza man was here and I took it and went back with everybody staring. I just went to to one of the beds and got under the covers and just curled up. Taleyah came and asked if I was ready.
Y: yea I'm ready


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