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(Keep in mind you can barely see you and Troy because the parking lot of the house is huge that's why they asked who is that)

Talyeh pov:
Taley: yo what's taking yas so long
Dev: idk
Aya: it's probably her shoes she ordered earlier
Taley: let's hgo check just in case I can't lose my sister again
Aya: I'm going to stay and watch through the window just in case something happens
We walk outside to see her hugging someone and speaking with 2 boys. Shaking the boy who came out the cars hand. We just sit and stare until one of the boys get in the truck and drive off. Then Yasmine and the boy turns and look.
Everyone: who's that

Yasmine pov:
We just continued walking to the door.
Everyone but me: TROY?!?
I jump a little. I'm not really used to loud noises up close. They all hug him. I just walk in the house.
Aya come running downstairs and hugs Troy. I go in the movie room grab snacks and walk to my room. I grab some more snacks and go back. I walk down the stairs to ask Troy if he wanted my brothers to come over.
Troy: yea sure they're really cool
I call them and they are on there way.
Y: ok they're on there way
Troy: bet
I started walking to my room knowing my period started tomorrow.
Derek: hey bestie
Y: hey
Derek: who was that out there
Y: Dylan
Derek: how did you guys meet
Y: oh he was the best Uber driver I've ever had in Florida actually anywhere
Derek: let's talk about this upstairs
Y: why am I in trouble
Derek: ofc not I'm not your dad but I am your best friend sooooo.....
taley: soooo I'm coming with I want to know who this dude is
Y: ok come on
We walk up to my room.
Derek: so get to it who was that boy
Y: well that's Dylan Troy is his older brother
Taley: and you guys met how
Derek: Dylan was her Uber driver in Florida and supposedly he was the best she's ever got
Taley: nice but do you know who Troy was before getting his socials
Y: how did you know I got his socials
Taley: because your my sister and you ask everyone for their socials 🙄😂
Derek: yea don't you notice
Y: tbh no
Taley: giving me very much-
Derek: short term memory
Y: oh pleas-
I was cut off with my phone buzzing. I looked and it was a dm. I checked and it was from....... CHARLI FUCKING D'AMELIO!
Y: ok no way she dm'd me
I said that calmly to seem not like a fan girl.
Derek: fill me in when I get back I have to take a fat shit
Taley: I have to do some paintings and ship some prints
Y: ok

Charli: hey I know it's been a minute since I said I was going to speak to you but here I am heyyyy
Y: hey such a huge fan here I would love to be you
Charli: I think it's the other way around sis
Y: anyways what are you doing
Charli: oh yea I wanted you to be my guest to a photo shoot
Y: what brand are we wearing
Charli: Chanel
Y: oh that's cool I guess I'll go when and where is this
Charli: it's next week on Wednesday to Sunday what day do you think you'll be available through those days
Y: how long do we have the photo shoot
Charli: 2-3 days
Y: so I'll come on Thursday
Charli: ok so the photo shoot is starting at 12 do you think you can come on Wednesday and we can start on Thursday
Y: yes ofc
Charli: what's your number so I can share the location
Y: ***-***-****
Charli: ok so the location is in California so you can book the soonest flight before next Wednesday
Y: ok thank you sm
Charli: also we get same amount of money If we promote it on our socials
Y: and that amount is??
Charli: $1000-$3000 idk the exact pay but I know that's it's ove 1000
Y: omg great thank you for inviting me
Charli: actually they invited you but they dm'd me to tell you because they know your dm's are full since your famous now lol 😂
Y: thank you sm
Charli: np ttyl
Y: ttyl



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