Never together

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I wake up at like 1 pm. I reach over to Cynthia but she was gone. I got out of her bed and looked for her.
Y: hey Deven have you seen Cynthia
Deven: yea she's in the movie room
Y: ok thanks
I went to the movie room.
Y: hi Cynthia
Cyn: uh hey
Y: why are you so nervous
Cyn: uh no reason I'm going to go
Y: what did I do
She left.
💭is it because of the kiss? Did I do something wrong? I'm so tired. You know what I'm going to stop thinking about someone's else's feelings and start thinking of mine instead. I need to get my phone from Cynthia room💭
I went upstairs and went into Cynthia's room and grabbed my phone ignoring Cynthia.
Cyn: hey you ok
Y: I was just getting my phone
I was avoiding long conversations since she wants to avoid me.
Cyn: so what your avoiding me now
I just called his name because I wanted to say morning. 
Tia: yea
Y: come to my room
Then I heard loud footsteps coming up the stairs. Then mattia came in closed my door then locked it.
Tia: hey baby can I talk to you before we do our thing
Y: yea what's up
Tia: well I wanted to apologize for the prank the other day and I wanted to ask where have you been going you've been very secretive lately
Y: oh well it's a cave and I met these girls they are so nice and they are the reason I passed out during the blow u-
Tia: wait they are controlling you
Y: no let me finish I passed out because I was stressed and I use to stones to meditate so I'm good but are you thinking I'm cheating
Tia: well I wouldn't say th-
Y: so you are
Tia: listen I had a thought ok just let me see these friends of yours
Y: why
Tia: why not
Y: whatever Im going to call them
So I call them and they answer immediately.
Y: hey guys my boyfriend thought I was out cheating while I was out with you guys was I with you guys the whole time
Des: hey you her boyfriend?
Tia: yea
Des: stfu because she is working on herself while your just dawdlin-
Lai: what she means is we get where your coming from but don't just say you think she's cheating just ask where she's been
Y: thank you bye
Rave: byeeee
Y: wtf mattia
Tia: you can't be angry at me for having a suspicion
Y: it's ok baby want to get in the shower with me
Tia: ofc
He was low key acting weird but whatever.

Time skip: 2:34

💭no we didn't have sex but he didn't give me a couple of hickies💭
So I had this on.

Y: Mattia I'm going to my brothers house ok Tia: ok Cyn: can I talk to you before you go Y: why Cyn: that's why I'm about to talk to you Y: ok whatever We walk into her room

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Y: Mattia I'm going to my brothers house ok
Tia: ok
Cyn: can I talk to you before you go
Y: why
Cyn: that's why I'm about to talk to you
Y: ok whatever
We walk into her room.
Cyn: why are you avoiding me
Y: I'm returning the same energy
Cyn: what are you talking about
Y: in the movie room this morning you avoided me
Cyn: why are you acting like this
Y: Cynthia I'm working on myself
Cyn: I'm sorry for avoiding you this morning
She tries to kiss me but I panicked and hugged her. I whisper in her ear.
Y: it's ok
Y: but I'm going to head out
Then Talyeh knocked on the door.
Tal: can I come
Y: yea I'm coming out
I kissed Cynthias forehead.
Y: go out do something ok ily
She just sat down on her bed.
Cyn: ilyt

Cynthia pov:
💭I have a little crush for yas and it hasn't gone away. I know she used to like me but once she started talking to Mattia I just felt a little flutter in my heart. It wasn't a good flutter though. I feel like she's mad at me. She didn't kiss me. I wanted a kiss from her I needed a kiss from her💭

Yasmine pov:
Y: hey big brother
Diego: omg hey Yasmine
Alex: who was it
Y: hey other big brother
Alex: heyyy sis I missed you
Diego: so who's this she's pretty
Y: this is our sister Talyeh meet your brothers
Alex: hey I'm alex
Diego: Diego
Tal: hey Alex and Diego one question are you going to let us in or are we going to talk out here
Diego: I like her I'm glad I have you as a sister
Tal: why thank you older brother
We went and sat in Diego's room.
Alex: so how you guys been
Y: I'm good
Tal: same you guys
Diego: we've been ight
Alex: yea
Y: guys let's make a tiktok
Diego: bet


Caption: not usually my content but why not @diego @blesiv @talyeh
Likes: 967.8

User1: omg she's with all her siblings
^ikr I'm so happy
Mattia: hanging without us I see
Liked by creator
User2: I want the old trio back dev avani and yas
^Ill make a tiktok with them later I'm not with them rn
Mike: okayyyyy
Mike: why not
^why tho
Mike: why not

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We made more TikTok's later on until we had to go home. I seen tiktokroom posted about something of mattia was at a club and he was making out with girls and taking them to rooms. (Sorry I don't have a video lol)
I was extremely angry so we just left our brother's house. My friends were trying to make it up to me since I was so angry so we went into the movie room. I was coming back out to get some more snacks when someone busted through the the front door. It was mattia he looked wasted.
Y: wth mattia
Tia: hey baby
Y: don't baby me
Tia: what are talking about
I drag his to my room.
Tia: wdym
Tia: we weren't together anyway
Y: what
Tia: I said we aren't together
Y: get out
He just left out like nothing. 💭wow what a bitch it's ok we'll be friends instead💭
Then Cynthia comes in and closes the door and locks it.
Cyn: you ok
Y: yea we just broke up kind of haha
Cyn: I- I- I'm sorry for this
She kisses me passionately. She then tries to deepen the kiss but I soon realize what was going on so I step back.
Cyn: I- I'm so sorry-
Y: it's ok it wasn't bad
Cyn: I- I'm gonna go
I grabbed her wrist before she could go anywhere.
Y: Cynthia you can't keep doing this you can't just keep avoiding me after we kiss
Cyn: you have feelings for me still..... don't you
Y: I mean no but they've been developi-
Cyn: well I did but now I don't because all I needed was that kiss to relieve whatever tension I had
Y: well you got what you wanted so get out
Cyn: wait I didn't mean it like tha-
Y: no you definitely did but it's cool cause I kind of needed it but I need time to myself so get out.
Cyn: o- ok I can respect that
Y: yea get out
When she did I just went to sleep

Cynthia pov:
💭I know she was still upset at me but I know that mattia is good for her and he is her medicine💭


A/n: I love drama so much in books especially with fanfics bc it makes my 🐱 get butterflies.

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