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Mattia pov:
I have completely lost feelings for Yasmine but something in my heart is telling me to go back. But me being mattia polibio I'm not listening. But I do decide to call her but not with Cynthia around. She will literally be so mad and won't ever speak to me again. Ngl I do enjoy her company but she is so controlling and mean. I think I'm going to end things with her.
M: hey Cynthia
C: yes baby
M: I think we need to stop whatever this is
C: what do you mean we just started hooking up
M: no it's just tha-
C: I swear if this is about that Yasmine bitch
M: no.... well yea but your just a bit too controlling and I can't just choose you over her I've known her since freshman year and even though we weren't friends I just made a friendship with her and she is a very chill person an-
C: ok whatever but when she is the center of attention of EVERYTHING don't come to me
M: Cynthia cmon you can't really be mad because I want to be friends with Yasmine again
C: why not
M: because you would be a real friend and support my decisions
C: you know what fine I'll drop it alright FINE
M: thank you now give papi a kiss.... thank you
C: so..... what are we
M: friends with benefits
C: o-oh
M: nah I'm kidding we're talking
C: that's better

I called Yasmine before we went to the beach houses. I was going to buy Cynthia and I one just us.

Calling Yasmine.......

Y: hello

Yasmine pov:
The boys decided to come over our house and chill. We were just playing in devyns room.
Di: hey guys you want to go live
Y: SHIT I was supposed to post on my Instagram and tiktok but didn't
Dev: damn but I'll go live in my phone and Diego go live on your phone
Di: ight
I went live also

Y: hey guys um this isn't going to take long but I just wanted to say sorry for being inactive. I'm kind of new to this shit and I will get used to it but join Diego or Devyns lives ok byeeeee.

Live ended

Diego and devyn started their lives.
Y: who wants to do a tiktok with me
T: meeee
De: me too
Y: bet

Caption: sorry I haven't been posting but hey🤪 @derektrendz @aliengirl._._
Charli: I'm going to dm you so don't ignore it el oh el
Reply: Neva dat
T: that's me
Reply: yup yup yup
User: we're going to ignore the fact that charli to Yasmine to not ignore her
User: ilysm
Reply: ilyt ❤️☺️
Hater: who is this she is so fat
Ale: yessirrrrrr
Liked by creator
Cynthia: 🙄
Reply: right back at ya
Cynthia: nobody asked 💀

After responding to comments someone called me I looked and it said mattia 🦖.
Y: hold on y'all I'm going to take this
I walked to the sand and answered it. It's about 11:40 so why not.
Y: hello
M: hello
Y: hi
M: look I just wanted to know if we are cool
Y: your just going to act like you and Cynthia didn't call me a attention seeker
M: oh uh how did you find that out
Y: I don't know Robert and roshaun might've told me as soon as they left
M: oh yea I- I-
Y: don't stutter mattia just say it damn
M: well I- I-
Y: ok bye mattia
M: wait
Y: what
M: I just wanted to say sorry and I should have never left your side to be with Cynthia
Y: I forgive you
M: also me and Cynthia are still together and we bought us a beach house and I can see you right now
I looked to my right
M: look left
I looked on my left to see him waving.


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