Non-virgin club

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I chose the van so I can fit everyone and everything in it. I made my way to the cave. It was about 10:15.

Y: hey guys can you help me with something
Lai: yea sure
Rave: what is it
Y: I'll tell you when we get there
Des: whatever

I then make my way to my brothers house. (We're going to pretend that the boys live with each other)

Alex: sooo what's going on
Y: well I'm inviting you guys to sleep outside with us so your going to help me get the trampoline from Walmart
Rave: so we are meeting your other friends
Y: yea only if you feel comfortable
Des: I'm ready
Troy: same
I see in the mirror Destiny and Troy talking to each other and engaged in there conversation. Raven was more focused on Alex and Laila was focused on Diego. Dylan was in front with me.
Dylan: when am I going to find mines damn
Y: don't worry you'll find someone

We ended up getting a trampoline and a projector so we can watch movies outside along with lots of snacks.

Time skip: 11:56

The trampoline was set and we took the gate to the backyard to set it up. We then walk in the front door to act like we just came in.
They come running down the stairs.
Y: these are my brothers and these are my other friends Raven Laila and Destiny
Tal: hey rave lai and des
Des: nicknames already I like her
Everyone said hi to each other.
Y: ok well we set up in the back
Kobe: what you mean set up
Y: we are having a sleepover outside
Tia: I call cuddling with Yasmine
Everyone: UGHHHHH
I giggle.
Y: let's go get blankets
Alex: wait how are we supposed to sleep in the pool
Y: you get a mini pool and sleep in that
Diego: shame on you that don't make no sense
I showed them and we got comfortable.
Tia: how you been
Y: shut up
Tia: why
Y: is it not obvious.... we're watching a movie
Tia: well yea but I don't talk to you enough
Y: so you want to go to my room
Tia: why always your room
Y: because Aya won't judge and say "eeewwww *gasp* disgustinggggg" she'll just close the door and say sorry
Tia: sure let's go to your room everyone's sleep anyway
We went to my room.
I put on 365 days because I heard it was good on tiktok.
Tia: really this movie
Y: yea why not
Tia: well it has a lot of sex scenes in it
Y: come on your acting like we're 3
Tia: ok don't say I didn't warn you.
A couple minutes later the boat scene came on.
Y: gir-
I here Mattia groaning.
Y: you good
Tia: yea just gave me a you know
Y: yikes
He comes close to my ear and whispered.
Tia: you a virgin
Y: why is that a concern
Tia: because I want to take it if you are

He then starts kissing me on my neck almost immediately finding my sweet spot. I moan and I can feel him smiling in my neck. But then he stops.
Tia: but I want your consent first
I kiss him passionately.
Y: thank you Mattia
Tia: I'll lead you
He continues kissing my neck with me on bottom. I'm not a moaning mess but I'm letting out small moans. He moves down and starts taking my shorts off.... then my panties.
Tia: wet already for me baby
He chuckles. 💭he's so cute. If it wasn't him taking my virginity right now no one would.... I'm probably lying but grateful it's him💭
He kisses my thighs making his way to my heat and doing  figure 8 in it. I arched my back not really knowing what to do. It just came naturally. I soon felt a knot in my stomach.
Y: I- I'm going to-
I tried to get it out but failed horribly.
Then he starts flicking his tongue up and down in my heat. 💭now I'm a moaning mess💭
I cum on his tongue.
Tia: you taste good
I didn't even respond because the pleasure was amazing.
Tia: are you ready
I nodded in response.
He takes his draws off and his member bounced to his stomach.
💭that's not a 17 year old.....that's a grown man💭
My eyes widen.💭lowkey scared💭
Without warning he slides into me. 💭pain pain pain💭
I am getting no pleasure here I think I want to stop. I didn't notice a tear came out until Mattia stopped.
Tia: am I hurting you
Y: no just keep going
Tia: you sure
Y: yea yea yea go
He starts again. But this time it feels better. More pleasure.
Y: omg right there
He went deeper which I loved because it gave even more pleasure.
Tia: your so tight
Soon we came and he came on my stomach.
We went for an hour and a half. We came about 3 times.

Y: I love you Mattia
Tia: I love you too Yasmine
Y: thank you for tonight
Tia: anytime
Y: not going to lie it hurt like bad when you were doing the first round
Tia: aww I'm sorry baby
Y: no it's ok most of it came with pleasure
Tia: ok good
I got up and failed at walking instantly falling. Mattia just sits there laughing.
Y: Mattia help me I'm going to take a shower
Tia: I did so good
Y: whatever just help me you cocky bitch
I took a shower and once I was done I cooked breakfast for everyone. Everyone was sleep still so they will have to heat up their plates. I just went back to sleep in the trampoline.

Time skip: 1:23pm

I wake up with everyone gone.💭that's weird💭 I go and look and they are eating the breakfast I made. I notice that Talyeh wasn't eating so I went up to her room.
Y: I'll eat later so leave me some
I walk in her room to see her painting.
Tal: you know I heard you right
Y: heard what
Tal: you finally lost your virginity
Y: yup and it was amazing
Tal: did he ask
Y: yea
Tal: oh then you got yourself a good man
Y: mmm yea
Tal: welcome to the non-virgin club


A/n: happy Valentine's Day

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