Icon pt. 2

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Mattia pov:
I left the group chat and cuddled with Cynthia while we were waiting to get off the bus. I left because well she's a attention seeker. She's literally buying a beach house for everyone. Now they are going to be all over her. I still had a bit feelings for her but it slowly started to fade with Cynthia.

Derek pov:
When Yasmine kissed my forehead I looked at that bitch with a nasty look and wiped that shit off. She had lip gloss on and bitch I'm not finna date yo cute ass. Like HELLO I'm your best friend don't do dat. After a while she asked me why I wiped her kiss off.
De: you in my business don't do dat
Y: hahaha just answer me
De: because we are best friends and your lip gloss
Y: oh my bad
De: mhm
We just bursted out into laughter.

Yasmine pov:
After all that talking me and Derek were about to fall asleep when the bus stopped and we were at the hotel. I also told my brothers to come if they wanted.

Time skip

We were at the beach houses unpacking. I was in a house with the girls and the boys had there house. It was me dev vani taley paradise hazel Hailey and aiyana. The other house was full of boys. I told hailey and aiyana to invite Kio for me. In the boys house it was Kio Kobe ale Kai Kevin Val mike Alex Diego and Derek. Robert and roshaun wanted to make sure mattia was ok before getting to the houses. Then I get a text from Robert and roshaun making us a group chat.

Ro: yo mattia is tripping
Rob: fr
Y: what he do
Rob: he kept calling you a attention seeker along with Cynthia
Ro: we know she doesn't like you we can feel the tension between you two
Y: wdym attention seeker
Ro: as in when we were at creators live and you left and that's why you weren't answering our calls because you wanted attention
Y: I wasn't answering my phone because I was talking to a fans mom and they were really nice and she seems like me she had social anxiety like me
Rob: well tell mattia and that bitch of his that because now he believes anything she says
Ro: another thing we walked in on them doing the nasty and boy oh boy it was not pleasant
Y: wow um.... I still need to pack so you guys want to ft or I can just finish packing
Ro: we'll let you finish packing see you at the beach houses
Rob: yea see you then
Y: alright bye
I officially don't have feelings for mattia polibio.

30 minutes later I finish packing. When I finished it was late like maybe about 11:50 something like that. I was really hungry. I looked at the girls and they were finished packing and sleep. Idk what may be open but my first thought was just look around the city. But since I was at a beach house it wasn't going to take long. I found chick-fil-a and went inside. When I got inside I seen a whole bunch of my fans there. They ran up to me and asked for a picture. I was so scared I did it of course because that's what I have to deal with so then I ordered and quickly went outside. I pulled out my anxiety pen and puffed some. Then I went back inside and sat down when I seen more fans. Everyone kept calling me an icon. I got annoying but I thanked them. They sat next to me and we talked. We exchanged numbers before I left. I got my food  and left back home. Everyone still seemed sleep so I walked to my room and ate while watching the 100. (or whatever you want) I eventually fall asleep at like 1 in the morning.

Next morning

I woke up to people jumping on my bed.
Y: ugh get the fuck off my bed
T: wake up bitch
A: yea wake up we going to the outside mall today
Y: alright what time is it
T: it's 9
Y: ugh get out so I can change
A: alright bye babes
T: bye sis
Y: bye
I got in the shower and do one of those sneaky link tiktok thingys but when I finish I put this on.

When I finish I take a picture for insta

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When I finish I take a picture for insta.


(This is also your makeup for the day)Caption: just waiting for the boys to be ready 134,759 likes CommentsUser: cutie Reply: yup yup yup Giovanni: baddest bitch Reply: I miss you babes Hater: how did she even get famous she is so ugly Reply: idk ...

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(This is also your makeup for the day)
Caption: just waiting for the boys to be ready
User: cutie
Reply: yup yup yup
Giovanni: baddest bitch
Reply: I miss you babes
Hater: how did she even get famous she is so ugly
Reply: idk how are you on my page your such a fan
Dev: they need to hurry
Reply: fr 🙄
Diego: just wait sis just 10 more minutes
Reply: sure hurry please

After I was done responding to comments our door bell rang it was the boys.

Time skip

We parked near the park since it was right next to the outdoor mall. We seen stores like Louis Vuitton Gucci Chanel and all that stuff. My anxiety was horrible at the time because I am at an outside mall. But I still had my anxiety pen with me so I wouldn't pass out. We stopped at Chanel and fans came and asked for a picture. Then the girls and I went to Sephora to get more makeup while the boys went into gucci. While we were on our way more fans came up to us.
Fan: heyyy omg it's THE Yasmine
Y:yup that's me
Fan2: and avani and dev
Fan3: with talyeh Hailey paradise hazel AND aiyana OMG
Yana: heyyy
Fan1: so can we walk with you guys
H: oh yea for sure
Fan3: well my name is Lena
Fan2: my name is Jamie
Fan1: and mine is Jaliyah
D: oh cool nice meeting y'all btw we are going to Sephora
Fan2: oh that's good I need more makeup anyway
Vani: how old are you guys
Liyah: me and Jamie are 16
Lena: and I'm 17
Dev: oh we're all around the same age
J: yea but Yasmine can I ask you a question
Y: yea ofc ask it
J: what iconic makeup do you use most of the time 
Y: usually I use Kylie Jenner and Chanel makeup for professional looks and for colorful and creative looks I use James Charles and lady Gaga pallets
We were in Sephora getting makeup we payed and the girls moms called and they had to go so we exchanged numbers. After an hour of shopping we went back to the beach house.


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