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I opened the door it was vani.
A: hey you ok
Y: yea my anxiety just kicked in
A: why
Damn it think of an excuse think think think 💀
Y: um because there was to many people in the room that I was in
A: oh well the boys want you to come down
Y: tell them I'm playing fifa
A: ok
She left and told the boys and I heard a bunch of feet stomping up the stairs.
I just put my headset back on and ignore it. Then my door bust open and I jump and I start to feel a bit woozie. Then everything goes black.

Mattia pov:
We saw Yasmines tiktok and went outside and we saw her riding her skateboard so we wave. We went over to the house they did the tiktok by. We knocked and Devyn answered it.
D: hi guys what are you doing here
M: we just came by to see our new neighbors
D: oh that's cool come in and sit on the couch we are about to watch movies
Ale: ok
Soon after Yasmine came in just staring at us in shock. Her breathing started getting heavy and she ran upstairs and locked herself in her room.
Kai: hey avani can you go get Yasmine and see if she's ok I want to see her
Ale: same
M: same here
A: ok
D: so are Alex and Diego still over at yours
M: no they are on tour
D: oh ok
Avani came back down.
A: she said she's playing fifa so we got to wait
Ale: she plays fifa
Kai: bet
I was already running upstairs when I heard fifa.
I busted the door open and she jumped out of the chair and she looked liked she was dizzy and then she just passed out. I realized she wasn't waking up so I picked her up and went to the girls.
M: she passed out
D: what do you mean she passed out
M: as in blacked out
D: avaniiiiii
A: yea
D: she passed out 🙄🥺
A: alright I'm coming
Ale: why are you guys acting like this is normal
Dev and vani: because it is normal 😡
Ale: alright damn
(This is just for the story)
They gave Yasmine the gas and she woke up.

Yasmine pov:
I woke up with everyone surrounding me.
Y: get the fuck away from me damn
A: you alright bebe
Y: yes why
D: well you passed out for no reason at all
Y: oh they bursted in my room and I got scared so I passed out now get out
Kai: wait can we play fifa with you
Y: why
Ale: because we love fifa
Y: omg I didn't know that *sarcasm* go ahead
M: alright stop with the sarcasm
They sat down. Alejandro had my gaming chair, Kairi had my vanity chair, and mattia had my bed. I went to my bed because when I passed out it felt soooo good. I grabbed my phone and went on Tiktok.
Ale: hey yas um sorry for bullying you in the past
Kai: yea sorry
Y: got anything to say to me Mattia
M: sorry ugly 😂
Y: stop making me cringe 😂
I went back to my phone and about 10-15 mattia layed his head on my stomach.
Y: what are you doing
M: I'm laying down
Y: not on me
M: why not we're cool
Y: for about an hour next thing I will know your being mean again
M: tryna call me bipolar
Y: get it over with 😡🥺
M: with what
Y: aren't you going to hit me or something
M: haha no I'm not like that anymore
Y: oh well thanks I guess
I got up and hug him but he doesn't hug back.
Y: what
M: we are not doing this
Y: fine just trying to be a bit more soft but you know I gotta be like the boys now 😎
Ale and kai: we're still her y'know
Matti and yas: duhhh 🙄
We just laughed.
I went to the bathroom and did my business. I came out and tackled mattia in my bed while he was on his phone.
M: get the fuck off me bitch
Y: oh sorry 😔
M: no I call everyone a bitch sorry
Y: no it's fine I'm going to be downstairs
M: no stay up here with the boys
Y: I'm cool
I gave him a weak smile and left.

A/n: sorry this is long

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