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3 month later

Mattia and I have been together for 3 months now. He's took me on so many dates it's silly. Lots of things changed. Tal and Mike aren't together anymore but are still on good terms. Mike and Val went to Artsace to help with their careers which I totally support. Vani went to join the Hype House and Cynthia and Dev left to go to Just a House. Derek stayed. Kobe stayed also but isn't here a lot because of his family. He was home sick. Ayiana and Hailey didn't stayed because they also aren't around a lot because they discovered they love traveling together. Devenity also left because she was going to work with her sister. Roshaun just went with Robert and Alvaro because he missed them so much so he left. He was closest to them. Kevin Dede and Hazel stayed. I also got Raven Laila and Destiny to move somewhere in the neighborhood so instead of being in that cave all day. I also noticed that I am no longer have social anxiety so I was happy and turns out I just needed to be alone at times so I can be ready bro be around a lot of people.

(People who stayed: Hazel Kevin Paradise Kobe Derek Kairi Alejandro Yasmine Aya Talyeh Mattia)

Today I was going to LA to visit Avani Devyn and Cynthia so I don't answer to any of their texts. I'll show receipts from a 5 days ago.


Dev: heyyyy guys it's been 3 months since we left
Vani: how you guys been
Cyn: I've been doing great
Dev: ^^
Vani: Yasmine???

I didn't talk to them at all so when I surprise them it will be so unexpected.

I also made a video so just in case they didn't believe me I'll show it to them. 💭I also showed some of my favourite fanpages of me and showed them instead of putting it on my spam cuz they do be snakes sometimes but I love snakes.💭

The people who came with me was Aya Mattia Talyeh Alex and Diego. Ale and Kai were going to Florida with the other boys while we were gone and Kevin Paradise and Hazel went to Houston to visit their families.

We were currently at the airport waiting for our plane to arrive. It was currently 3:47 a.m. We already rented a rental car a day ago so we won't be ordering ubers the whole time we are there.

Time skip: 4:33 a.m.

Our plane finally got here. Usually the people would be late to their flight but we came hella early.

Another time skip: LA

We arrived in LA at like 10:54. We landed in Chicago then got on another plane to get here which was tiring. We booked a suite near the coast.

Once we were all settled we went to the hype house first. I texted charli to make sure avani wasn't there. I knock on the door. Then someone opens the door.
Char: omg hi guys
Y: heyy
We hug.
Chase: who's her- oh hey guys
Tia: wassup man
They do their little handshake.
Y: hey chase
Chase: long time no see chipmunk
We hug.(they met at the photoshoot)
Charli: come in
Charli and Chase shows us to Avanis room so when she gets here the first thing she'll see is us.

Later on Avani gets back. We were all sitting on her bed waiting for her to open the door. Soon she does.
Everyone: SURPRISE
Vani: omg hey
Y: hey
Vani: why weren't you replying to my texts and phone calls
Everyone: to do this
Vani: omg I was worried I did something wrong
Tal: nope you did everything right
Vani: hehe well does dev and thia know your here
Diego: no but I'm staying here
Alex: yea same
Tia: ok well do you want us to come back after we're done or no
Alex: come back and pick us up
Tia: ight see ya
Vani: alright bye guys
Y: bye love you

We were on our way to Just a House. Once we finally arrived we knocked on the door we asked where Devyn and Cynthia were.
Eva: oh they are at Sway LA
Anna: yea so Cynthia can visit Quinton
Sab: and Devyn decided to go with her
Aya: oh ok don't tell her we're here because it's a surprise
Eva: yea they were upset and worried about you guys since you guys weren't answering their texts and calls
Sab: why didn't you guys answer
Tal: so we could surprise them
Y: and also so they wouldn't suspect a thing
Anna: ohhhh
Y: yea well we'll catch you later
Aya: byeee
We hug and leave.

Mattia was talking to Quinton to make sure the girls were not going to answer the door and have them in a room. We were waiting outside for a go.
Tia: ok he's ready
We hop out the car and Bryce opens the door silently letting us in.
Y: thanks where is she
Bryce: come on
He leads us to a room and opens the door.
Aya&tal&yas: mmm hey🤚🏾
Dev&cyn: omg heyy
Tia: girls are weird
Bryce: ikr let's go play cod
Tia: ight bet
I roll my eyes and have my attention back on the girls.
Dev: we thought you were mad at us omg
She hugs us again.
Cyn: how did you get here so fast
Aya: well we are famous so we have our advantages
Tal: hey guys I have an idea
Cyn: what
Tal: we should go out tonight just us
Dev: okayyyyy bet want to go to the mall to get an outfit and our nails done
Y: yes let's go like right now
Aya: ok let's go
I went to Mattia.
Y: hey bebe
Tia: hey
He kissed me.
Y: the girls and I are going out tonight
Tia: how are you going to get around when we are picking up Diego and Alex
Y: you can have the car we'll just Uber and plus we still need to pick up Avani
Tia: just have the car we'll Uber but drop me off at the hype house
Y: ight let's go


A/n: sorry I might stop this soon with a horrible ending

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