Chapter 16- Coming into the Light

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***Maylene's p.o.v***

I jolted awake with a start, tears streaming down my face. I sniffled and whimpered as I thought back to my nightmare. I wrapped my arms around myself in an attempt to stop trembling and shake off my nightmare. I wiped my tears as they continued streaming down my face as I was unable to seem to calm myself down. I bit my lip knowing I wasn't going to get any sleep tonight.

Suddenly, I remembered Laxus's words, "I'll be here if you ever need it."

I bit my lip once more before I wiped my tears and slid off my bed.

I walked down the hallway quietly before I reached Laxus's door. I quietly pushed it open and peaked into the room. Laxus was sound asleep in his own bed.

I shook my head. 'No, this isn't a good idea,' I thought, thinking better of it.

I turned around tearing up, and was about to leave before...


I froze at the sudden voice.

***Laxus's p.o.v***

I blinked my eyes open noticing my door was cracked... and there was a figure at my door, turning away.

"Maylene?" I questioned, sitting upright.

Maylene froze at the suddenness of my voice.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Do you need something?" I asked her gently.

Maylene nervously fiddled with her pjs as she avoided my gaze.

'Just give him a chance.' Gajeel's words echoed through her head.

"I-I had a nightmare..." Maylene mumbled.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked her.

Maylene was silent.

"You don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to, but if you do, I'll listen."

After a short moment of silence, I suggested to her, "Why don't you come over here?"

Maylene turns to me with teary eyes before she lowers her head and quietly walked over to my bed and sat beside me.

It was silent for a bit as I patiently waited for her to speak.

Just as I was about to open my mouth and say something, Maylene spoke up.

"I had a nightmare about one of dad's punishments," Maylene spoke softly.

I widened my eyes at that.

Maylene was silent as she bit her lip and squeezed her hands together.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" I asked her softly.

Maylene tensed beside me.

I looked up as I turned away from her, "That's fine. You don't have to tell me anything."

Maylene widened her eyes and looked up at me in surprise. "Why?" She questioned.

I looked down at her as she stared back at me.

"I'm not going to force you. When you're ready to tell me, then you're ready to tell me, and if you're not, that's ok too," I said turning back to the ceiling.

I suddenly tensed as I felt something pressed against my side.

I heard a sniffle as I looked down. Maylene was latching onto me like a lifeline as she sniffled and cried against me.

My eyes softened as I wrapped my arm around her.

"D-did dad ever hurt you?" Maylene croaked against me.

I sighed to myself, looking away. "Yeah, he did," I mumbled, remembering how I felt after he was kicked out, and how I let those feelings drive me to the Battle of Fairytail.

"W-why? Why did he-" Maylene choked as she sobbed.

"I don't know Maylene, I don't know," I answered.

I held her securely as I let her cry it all out.

After a bit, Maylene had calmed down as we stayed there in relative silence.

Maylene was still trembling a bit beneath my grip as I held her.

Noticing this, I asked her, "Do you want to stay here?" Maylene nodded quickly with a quiet whimper.

I pulled Maylene off of me and laid her down, pulling the covers over top of her before I climbed under the covers myself, and pulled Maylene close.

Maylene whimpered as she wrapped her arms around me as I held onto her protectively.

'It's not much, but it's a start,' I thought before we both fell into sleeps peaceful embrace.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this beautiful chapter! Don't forget to Vote, Comment, and enjoy your day everyday!!!

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