Chapter 26 - Flaws

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A/N: So, I didn't totally like the picture from the last chapter so I went back and fixed it. It's so much better now so go check it out and enjoy the chapter!!!

***Laxus's p.o.v***

"Oh no, his leg is shaking," Ever commented.

"Somebody's worried about his sister," Bickslow teased.

"Bickslow leave him be, he's allowed to be worried," Freed commented.

"May will be fine, you all worry too much," Bickslow reassured.

"It's her first ever solo mission," Ever argued.

"And she was supposed to be back hours ago," Freed added.

"But this is May we're talking about. She can kick butt just as easily as Laxus. She's fine. You guys are being ridiculous worrying so much about her," Bickslow argued.

That's when Laxus had enough.

"You realize I can hear you guys right?" I growled across the table at them.

"Yup," Bickslow smirked.

"Sorry Laxus," Freed apologized.

I sighed, sitting up straighter and turned my gaze to the guild doors.

"Where is she?" I questioned, more to myself.

"Maybe she ran into trouble?" Ever stated unsurely.

"If she did, whoever caused it is going to have hell to pay," I growled.

"Maybe we should check with Master Makarov on the mission?" Freed suggested.

I sighed, "No, May didn't want us to know the mission so she could be assured she'd do it on her own."

"Perhaps the mission just took longer than expected," Freed suggested, trying to ease the tension.

"May did say she'd call us if anything went wrong," Ever agreed, gesturing to the lacrima in front of them.

Bickslow rolled his eyes, crossing his arms, "Guys, you're worrying over nothing."

Just then, the lacrima at the table started buzzing, gaining the table's attention.

"See," Bickslow confirmed, gesturing to the lacrima as Laxus rushed to answer it.

"Hello? May?" I questioned.

A very distressed May showed up on the lacrima screen.

"Umm, Laxus?" May uttered out.

"May what's wrong? Are you alright? Are you hurt? If your hurt, I'll-" I started standing up.

"I'm lost!" May shouted distressed.

Well, this caught the group off guard.

"What?" I questioned.

"I can't find the guildhall or our house," May spoke distressed.

"Wait, you're in Magnolia?" I gapped at her.

"I've been in Magnolia since this morning," May answered upset.

"This morning?! It's midafternoon! You've been lost for that long?" Ever exclaimed in shock.

"Why didn't you call us sooner?" Bickslow questioned.

"I wanted to find my way back on my own," May croaked, tears falling from her cheeks.

"Hey, it's okay May, we'll find you. Just stay where you are, ok?" I reassured her, standing up straight to leave.

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