Author's Note

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     And with that, Snowfall finally comes to a close.

I wanted to thank everyone who has read this far and supported me during the process. I loved every second I had writing this story. It was a lot of fun, and I will forever remember this experience.

I originally came up with this story just to give Laxus someone preciousto protect. I loved the idea behind Laxus having a little sister in fanfics,but in the other stories she was always so overpowered, and it didn't make thestory interesting to me. Not only that but nobody ever made her connected toRaventail and I thought that was a cool idea. So, since nobody else did it, IDID!

May's original design came from a VERY old picture I drew of y/n as an ice-wielding teen titan. I based her outfit on that with only a couple of minor changes I made. I made her really young to emphasize her innocence and I made her an ice dragon slayer cause I really like ice powers and I think siblings having the exact same power is weird. Her hair was difficult for me, I liked the idea of curly hair but the color was hard because the all blond and the blue outfit didn't look right to me, all brown hair looked weird too so eventually I decided to mix the two and I really liked it! Don't ask me where the name May came from because I'm going to be honest I have no idea. It kinda just came to me and it sounded pretty so I went with it. I also hated the trope where the sibling's name has to start with the same letter. That rarely happens in real life.

I'm not gonna lie though when I first created May I didn't care for her. I just thought it was

another random character to drop in and draw while I write a story about Laxus being a protective teddy bear. And I was literally only going to write the story to chapter 16. But then you guys blew up over this story so unexpectedly and LOVED May. It honestly really shocked me. You guys even came up with the nickname "Snow Bean" just for her!!! I had to take a break to figure out how to continue the story, it got so popular. And after continuing it I grew to love May just like you guys! She's irreplaceable to me now, (I even have a Snowfall themed blanket 😉). I'm really proud of the final result.

I will say though the amount of people who thought this was a Gajeel x OC was hilarious. XD! Gajeel was just there so I could have May connected to someone in the beginning and so Laxus and the others would be able to know for sure without a doubt May was Laxus's little sister. I will say I did at one point have the idea of May gaining Gajeel's attribute but I decided against it because I couldn't figure out how to implement the idea further. I also thought it was funny the amount of people that shipped May with someone. Lol that was never my intention with this story. It was just supposed to be a sibling bonding story, but I added the epilogue for your entertainment. ;)!

So, what did you think?

Did you have a favorite part?

Least favorite part?

Favorite character?

What about a favorite picture?

Or a favorite quote?

Let me know! I would love to hear what I did well and what I can improve on!

So Snowfall comes to a close and I bet your wondering what's next for me?

You all have inspired me so much and made me grow to love writing just as much as drawing, but you all have made me grow to love my characters even more.


Introducing my own original Light Novel story:

Garden of Knights!!!

So come check out my story at the links below to see May, Rachel, Prism, and many others return in their own original story!!!

So come check out my story at the links below to see May, Rachel, Prism, and many others return in their own original story!!!

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Light Novel:



P.S. if your worried, May, Rachel, Prism, and the others will basically be exactly the same. There will be only some slight changes for the original story, but their powers and personality will be relatively the same. Also, for a small Easter egg, May does have an older sibling in the light novel but it's obviously not Laxus, so you'll have to read to find out! I hope to see you all there!!!!!

Once again thank you guys for everything, you guys are so amazing, and I can't say that enough. So for one last time in this story, don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Enjoy your day every day!!! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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