Chapter 49 - Ice Empress

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***Gray's p.o.v***

I cried out in pain as I flew back from another hit and skidded to the ground once more. I looked up with a glare as the Winter Eclipse guild just snickered at me in amusement.

One of the goons tried to decapitate Natsu, but I quickly made an ice sword and blocked his attack. Due to my weakened state however, he easily was overpowering me, pushing his ice blade closer and closer to me.

I widened my eyes as the blade came ever so close to my neck before... Fwoosh.

I widened my eyes with a gasp, "Natsu?"

Natsu pulled back his fiery fist from his previous punch as he slammed his fists together.

"Alright! We're back in business!" Natsu shouted as everyone else stood behind him unfrozen as well.

"What? How?" Goliath shouted.

"How did you guys-?" I questioned as well.

"See for yourself," Juvia pointed with a smile.

I followed the direction Juvia was pointing to see all the ice from before heading toward something, no someone.

The northern lights danced in her ice claws as her white scales and feathers blew alongside the wind.

"May?" I questioned in surprise.

"That measly brat, we'll take care of her yet," Goliath growled.

"Not gonna happen!" Natsu roared, punching him.

"Because we're not gonna let anyone get in her way!" Natsu roared as the guild smiled in agreement.

***May's p.o.v***

"You've got some nerve," the Ice King snarled as I glared.

"Do you think you can stop me?" the Ice King growled.

"I know I can," I glared back.


And at that instant, the Ice King and I exploded forward.

"Ice Demon Zeroth Longsword!"

"Ice Dragon Severed Crystals!"

We both shouted as we slashed against one another.

Spinning against the ice and digging my claws into the ground both of us sharply turned for our next attack.

"Ice Demon Rage!"

"Ice Dragon Roar!"

Both attacks collided creating a veil of snow.

"White Fang!" the Ice King shouted.

The mini blizzard blasted the snow vale, but I was no longer there.

The Ice King widened his eyes before he looked up.

"Ice Dragon Wing Attack!" I shouted slicing through him.

He grunted in pain, but I didn't even give him a second to recover.

"Ice Dragon Talon!" I shouted, spinning around, and kicking him harshly, sending him flying.

"You miserable brat! Ice-Make: Lance!" he shouted as he flew through the air.

I hardened my gaze before I propelled myself into the air slashing away his attack before clawing at him with my own.

"Ice Dragon's Crushing Fang!" I shouted, slashing him to the ground.

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