Chapter 8- A Little Outing

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***Maylene's p.o.v***

As promised, I returned to the infirmary after day four officially ended so Porlyusica could recheck and rebandage my wounds.

"Alright child, your wounds have been patched up. As long as you don't overexert yourself, your wounds should be healed by tomorrow. So, you can stay in the inn with the others tonight, but make sure you come back tomorrow morning so I can do one final check on your wounds," Miss Porlyusica explained to me.

I nodded in understanding as Porlyusica walked away.

'What do I do now?' I thought worried.

"Hello there."

I looked up at the sudden voice.

"Maylene, was it? My names Evergreen. I'm a friend of your brother, Laxus. I have extra room in my room back at the inn, so you can stay with me. Is that ok with you?" Miss Evergreen asked me.

I didn't exactly have any other option, so I nodded my head.

"Perfect! You can follow me if you'd like. I'm going to probably hang out at the bar with the guild for a bit before we go to the inn for the night. The rest of the guild is probably there now," Evergreen comments with a clap of her hands.

I perked up at the last part, hoping to see Gajeel and followed Evergreen out of the infirmary.


I followed Evergreen as we entered the Bar Sun bar. She walked over to a table and sat down with a man with long green hair and a guy wearing a knight's helmet and of course, my brother.

Evergreen motioned for me to sit beside her and I looked around nervously for someone else I recognized.

Finding nobody else, not even Miss Levy and Mister Lily, I reluctantly walked over to Miss Evergreen and sat beside her at the same table as my terrifying older brother.

"You must be Maylene, my name is Freed Justine, it's a pleasure to be at your acquaintance," Freed says politely.

I nodded my head with a small smile at his politeness before I jumped back, frightened.

"And I'm Bickslow! Nice to meet ya!" Bickslow exclaimed loudly, scaring me. "Nice to meet ya, nice to meet ya," His dolls repeated.


"Bickslow, cut it out your scaring her!" Evergreen exclaims after hitting Bickslow with her fan.

"Yeah, like hitting me is gonna help," Bickslow mumbles rubbing his sore head.

Evergreen gasps offended before the two of them started arguing.

"Will both of you cut it out. Your both scaring her," Laxus says to the two growing irritated.

Freed shook his head as he sighed over his two comrades.

Evergreen huffed before walking over to the bar, probably for a drink.

I visibly relaxed a little before I glanced sadly at the bar's doors.

"Gajeel came by earlier."

I turned towards Laxus.

"He took Natsu and Wendy with him somewhere. He said it was important, so he probably won't be back tonight," Laxus said to me.

I nodded as I looked down disappointed, missing the worried glance between the three boys at the table.


"Here we go! This will be our room!" Evergreen exclaims as we walked into the room.

I glanced around at the small room with two beds in it.

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