Chapter 29 - Recovery

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***May's p.o.v***

A warm sensation flowed within me. I was hot, too hot. I felt like I was boiling.

I forced my heavy eyes open, and a warm light shined down on my face.

Sunlight, but why did it feel so hot. My breathing felt heavy too, too heavy.

A familiar scent reached my nose. Slowly, I turned my head to see Laxus there, leaning against the bedside sleeping soundly beside me.

Sweat dripped down my face by how hot I was feeling. Why was it so hot?

Laxus's light snores soothed me a little as I tried to sit up.

The smallest movement up caused me to suck in a painful breath.

My body ached in pain. I tried to relax back down again but found it difficult as every action I did only seemed to make it hurt more.

Tears rolled down my cheeks in pain before I felt two warm hands gently guide me back down.

Once I had relaxed back down again, I opened my eyes to see Laxus looking down at me.

"Laxus," I breathed out weakly.

"You shouldn't be moving May, your still very injured," Laxus said down to me.

"How did-" I uttered out weakly, trying to find my voice.

"Wendy and Porlyusica were able to heal you up in time, but your wounds got a little infected, so you need to take it easy," Laxus informed.

"What about-"

"The Thunder Legion took care of the rest of the dark guild before they came back here," Laxus explained.

I nodded weakly as sweat dripped down my face.

"Laxus? Why is it so hot?" I mumbled.

"Hot?" Laxus questioned.

"It's really hot..." I mumbled.

Laxus placed his hand on my forehead before pulling it away.

"Shit," he mumbled.

"You've got a fever," Laxus muttered as he stood up.

"Laxus," I called back to him as he turned back to me.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled.

Laxus sighed as he walked over and wet a washcloth before walking back and placing it on my forehead.

"I thought you were gonna die," Laxus muttered biting his lip.

"I thought I lost you. I thought I would never get to tell you. May, I'm so sorry. What you saw- I'm sorry. I should've told you. I'm just like him, but I was selfish, and I couldn't tell you. May, I'm so sorry. I don't deserve to be called your brother," Laxus sobbed as he covered his face with his hand.

I weakly lifted my hand and placed it on Laxus's wet cheek.

Laxus looked down at me with teary eyes.

"You're not Ivan."

Laxus stared at me in surprise at my statement.

"You've given me something Ivan could never hope to give me. Something not Raventail, Fairytail or even Gajeel gave me."

"You made me feel loved." I smiled up at him.

Laxus widened his eyes as he stared at me.

"Gajeel gave me hope, the Thunder Legion made me happy, the guild gave me a home, but you, you made me feel loved. So you could never be Ivan, because Ivan never loved me the way you do. Thank you Laxus. Thank you big brother, for loving me, cause I love you too," I smiled.

Tears fell onto my face as Laxus cried as he held my hand against his face at my words.

"I love you too May. I love you too. You're the greatest sister I could've asked for," Laxus wept.

I smiled happily as Laxus cried.

"Laxus, will you hold me?" I asked.

Laxus chuckled lightly, "Won't you get too hot?"

"I don't care. I just want you to stay here with me," I mumbled.

Laxus smiled. "Alright then, but let me get Gray to make you an ice pack or something first, you're really hot," Laxus smiled, wiping the sweat from my forehead with the wet cloth.

I nodded weakly at him.

Laxus quickly came back with Wendy, Porlyusica, and Gray.

Wendy and Porlyusica ordered Gray to make a bunch of ice around the room to cool me down.

After they finally left, Laxus curled up beside me, being careful of my wound as he placed his arm around me.

"Don't ever do this again May, I mean it," Laxus muttered after Porlyusica had explained the danger of my wound.

"I'm sorry," I muttered sadly.

"But thank you May, you did good," Laxus smiled.

I widened my eyes before I smiled back.

"Get some rest May, you deserve it," Laxus smiled.

I smiled as I nodded, drifting off to sleep in my brother's warm protective embrace. 

A/N: Not gonna lie I cried a bit writing this. Such a beautiful chapter. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did. Don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Enjoy your day everyday!!!

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