Chapter 25- Memories of Old

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***May's p.o.v***

I snickered lightly into my hand as I crept up to Laxus's door.

After gently opening it, I ran over and pounced...only to squeak in surprise as Laxus grabbed me mid-pounce and flipped me onto the bed as he tackled me instead.

"Nice try, but I'm not going to fall for the same trick twice," he smirked at me.

"No fair!" I giggled.

"You should laugh quieter," Laxus chuckled.

I pouted.

"Maybe, I should punish you for trying to pounce on me again May?" Laxus started to smirk evilly.

I widened my eyes.

"No!" I squeaked as I tried to escape his grasp.

"Ah! Ah- ha ha! No! Laxus! Stop! Please! I- I can't- breathe!" I laughed as he tickled me to death.

"Serves you right," Laxus smirked as he finally stopped.

I giggled as I caught my breath.

"Come on May, let's get ready. We've got a big day ahead of us," Laxus smiled.

I nodded happily.


I smiled sitting next to Laxus with my mint chocolate chip ice cream after having one of the best days ever.

After the whole Alvarez and Agnologia war, everything has gone back to being quite peaceful within the guild of Fairytail.

Laxus, the other day after a mission, suggested a day for only us to hang out. A 'brother and sister outing' he called it.

I was more than happy to agree and so far, it's been amazing.

We started off with a relaxing morning visit to the park before playing a prank against Bickslow, (Laxus wanted to even the score). Before we escaped home and made lunch together, to which I found out Laxus wasn't the greatest in the kitchen. It wasn't like he couldn't cook, he can cook basic stuff, but when he tries to do the more complicated things... well, let's just say it gets a little messy.

So, after a nice lunch and somehow getting into a pillow fight on the couch after lunch, we went out for ice cream.

So here we are now, sitting together on a bench in the middle of Magnolia as I swung my feet happily as we enjoyed our ice cream.

"Hey May," Laxus spoke suddenly.

I turned my gaze to Laxus, who seemed to be staring off into space.

"What was it like when you first met Gajeel?" Laxus asked suddenly, surprising me.

"Why do you ask Laxus?" I questioned curiously.

"Just curious I guess. I know what it was like when you first met me, so I'm curious to how you reacted to Gajeel," Laxus answered.

I turned back to the ice cream in my hand, nodding absentmindedly.

"It wasn't really great to be honest," I mumbled.

Laxus glanced at me.

"It was just a normal day in Raventail, I was just sweeping as usual before the doors burst open."


A tall scruffy man with long jet-black hair and metal piercings burst into the guild hall looking around with a scowl on his face.

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