Chapter 38 - Ice Iris

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A/N: It's been a long time, but now that summer project is done, everything should be back to normal. I've set up a schedule for updates so my updating schedule should be fixed and convenient for you guys. Here's to weekly updates again! Enjoy the chapter!

***Third- person p.o.v***

Once upon a time,

There was a land roamed with fearsome beasts.

This land was constantly plagued with fear and uncertainty as it constantly fell victim to these fearsome beasts. For you see, these beasts constantly quarreled amongst each other, leaving only destruction and chaos in their wake.

One such human, lost everything to these beasts, but when they returned to finish her off, she was saved.

One dragon stood tall amongst the beasts in order to protect the human. This dragon fought back bravely against the beasts. Even when the battle got tough, the dragon thankfully escaped with the human safely.

Thankful for the rescue and appreciative of the human's kindness, the dragon and human grew to become close friends.

They shared many fond memories together and traveled on many adventures, but they both knew they couldn't outrun the beasts forever. The chaos and destruction they left in their wake affected everyone. Not just them, and they knew they needed to do something about it.

With the help of her human friend, the dragon once again challenged the beasts in an effort to bring peace to all the creatures. The battle was brutal, and it cost the dragon many things.

In the end, the dragon was victorious. Her human friend was happy at the peace it made, but the dragon was sad. Many sacrifices were made, especially the one she was about to commit next. Knowing she would become a target and fearing the life of her human friend, the dragon sadly parted ways from the human.

But before she parted ways, the dragon bestowed a gift to her friend as a thank you for all the memories they shared.

The dragon bestowed upon her an Iris incased in ice. An Ice Iris.

Before the dragon left, she said this, "Take this and always remember the fond memories we shared. And if anyone wishes harm upon you, may the world freeze over before they even lift a finger."

The end.

Laxus closed the book as he glanced at it confused.

"May, this is a pretty dark story. Why in the world do you like it?" Laxus asked her.

May glanced over at Laxus weakly as she smiled.

Shortly after returning from Mt. Hakobe, May came down with a slight fever. Offering to take care of her, May requested Laxus to read her favorite story.

"I really like how the nice dragon protected her friend in the end," May muttered tiredly.

"And the flower at the end is pretty," May smiled.

Laxus smiled softly at her.

Laxus stood up and kissed her forehead, "Get some rest May."

May nodded weakly as she closed her eyes and drifted off.

Once Laxus was sure May was sound asleep, he quietly sneaked out of the room and closed the door.

He smiled to himself before he glanced down at the book in his hands.

He narrowed his eyes at it before he shook his head.

'Probably nothing to worry about,' he thought as he placed the book down and walked away. 

A/N: I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Enjoy your day everyday!!!

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